Heart of Gold [1.1]

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Okay- here goes the first chapter ;-; This one centres around introduction and such, so the romance hasn't arrived yet-! Anyways enjoy, tell me what you guys think.

You had the perfect life.

Or so you liked to put it.

You lived in an apartment not too far away from the school, your parents having left you to your brothers care. Your parents were irresponsible as you liked to put it, they were lovable, but they weren't parent material, always looking for adrenaline rushes and vacations. You wouldn't blame them, after all, you were the same, their reckless tendencies having been past on like genetics.

Didn't seem to apply to your brother though-

However, while they had went and drifted farther from your life, you had built one based on your brother and his friends. He and his boyfriend often felt like the real set of parents you lacked. Their volleyball team filling in as the rest of your siblings.

"Y/n-!" You heard a yell from the kitchen while you lay on your bed, staring at a manga while a lollipop stuck out of your mouth. You sighed as if annoyed, lousily sitting up.

"What?" You responded, your voice a bit muffled by the candy in your mouth. You didn't want to get up unless you had to, so you just hoped it wouldn't come to it. After all, it was the weekend, and being anything but lazy was the last thing you wanted to do.

You heard a grumble as footsteps approached your room, you had recognized your brothers voice, a sense of satisfaction filling you when he looked annoyed. Living here with your brother and his boyfriend really began to feel homely. You loved the little apartment, especially your room, decorated aesthetically just like you wanted. You remembered Suga helping you out, both of you giggling as you set up the photos on the wall, several of them holding shots of you with various teammates on the volleyball team, and some of your friends.

And then Daichi stepped to the door, his messy brown hair and shadowed eyes alerting you that he had just gotten up. "Go wash the dishes," he ordered, grumpily walking back to his room. "And when you make breakfast, at least try to be a bit more quiet-"

"Aw- but I was trying to wake you up Nii-san." You smirked as he turned, "Seems like it worked-!"

You could tell that he would've chased you around the house if Suga hadn't appeared right besides him after, patting his shoulder. "Ah- Daichi, she's just trying to provoke you, you should go get some sleep, I'll make sure she doesn't mess around any more."

"I was just gonna go read some manga!"

Rolling his eyes, the light haired boy tugged you to the kitchen as your older brother stormed back into his room, looking a bit more relaxed. Settling into one of the seats at the table, Suga related an elbow on the table, waving you to sit.

"Have you heard of the exchange program?" He asked, glancing at your curiously as you nodded. He sure moved through topics quick- although you could tell this was something that had been concerning him for a while.

"Of course I do, the neighbouring schools are exchanging there students around to get a sense of their curriculum, something about wanting to make sure their teaching system works? I'm participating, dad and mom already signed the forms before they went to Europe."

Nodding, he looked back at your brothers room. "Well me and your brother were talking about it earlier..." he sighed. "We... didn't want you to participate. Or well, it was your brother that didn't feel comfortable with it, after all, it's only the first years that are allowed to go. And you know..."

After Daichi had moved in this apartment with you and his boyfriend, Suga had literally become part of the family, being almost a motherly figure. At first it had been awkward for you both, but you had warmed up to him. Just like now, you could tell he was nervous to express the idea, although you understood where he was coming from. "But- what's wrong with it? I'm sure one of the volleyball boys will be at the same school as me, and it's only for a week or two. What's the worst that could happen?"

There wasn't anything too terrible, which you hoped Suga would see.

"It's... not that, you see, me and Daichi just feel that it's better if you stay at Karasuno, it's nothing personal or that we fear. We just feel more comfortable with you at home."

The way he said home made your heart swell, but you weren't backing down. Putting your pout face, you looked down. "But I was really looking forwards to it... I wanna play on the other girls teams- it's so boring here."

He seemed a bit shocked, and biting his lip, you could tell he was trying to resist your cute face. "Oh cmon Y/n- me and Daichi are always here if you want to practice your volleyball. Besides, I always set you up, isn't that fun?"

Sighing, you nodded, not wanting to disappoint him. "It's fun- but I want a little... something more." You gave him a knowing glance, which he only groaned at.

"We will discuss this with your brother, okay? For now, you should probably get going to the gym, I'm pretty sure the boys are already there."

You didn't need to be asked twice.

• • •

"Set me up!"

Staring at the dark haired boy, he sighed, setting the ball with ease in your direction as you flew into the air to hit it. Well... flying would be a bit drastic, considering how high Hinata could jump. You could jump high, but not to that level.

Doesn't help that I'm literally Yachi's size.

You weren't offending the younger managers size, but being taller would've been nice, especially when it comes to blocking, or hitting. Being as tall as the grumpy setter would be nice too, or the scornful Tsukishima.

Why do all the grumpy mean boys get to be tall-

Heading to retrieve your ball, you sighed, standing up to get back in the hitting line again. However, before you could make it, you had bumped against a giant wall, or so it seemed.

"Yamaguchi?" Staring up at the boy who nervously took a step back, he almost fumbled with his feet. "Ah- sorry for bumping into you." You never knew why he was so nervous, having once demanded him to act more confident. That hadn't worked out too well...

You had a different relation with all the members of the team. With Hinata, it was almost as if you both shared the same brain cell at times, although you were smarter when it came to it. Kageyama was like your little rival, and he would tease you relentlessly about your height when you would about his grades, same with Tsukishima. He enjoyed teasing your height, making you angry. With Nishinoya things were easier, you both got each other, and you him and Hinata were like a mini gang against the giants.

As for Asahi, you always tried to cheer him up, looking at him as a brother although you could seem to picture him as an older one. Tanaka was the one who would always come to you for relationship advice, always asking you about Kiyoko. You always had the best advice anyways, being best friends with the black haired girl. You and Yachi were similar, often studying together and preparing for tests.

As for Suga and Daichi, they felt like your parents, although Daichi often felt more like the annoying brother he was.


You smiled at Yamaguchi, running off back to the lineup for hitting.

They all felt like family.

Heart of Gold (Oikawa x Reader x Kuroo)Where stories live. Discover now