Chapter 18: The answer to the decision

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Rikka didn't like the option that she was given, on one hand, Rikka wanted to stay on her planet however, that being said she didn't want to see civil unrest and for the pretty cure to be in the middle of it. The decision was clear as daylight in order to keep a civil war from happening in Japan. Makoto came into the room, she sat down in armchair with her legs crossed each other she looked up to Rikka who still in the hospital bed with her child in her arms. " So you made a decision, what is your decision?" Makoto asked to Rikka. Rikka nodded and spoke " Yes....I have....and my decision is to Minerva and avoid a civil war." Ira looked at Rikka with astoundment, he was shocked at Rikka's decision but deep inside, he knew that this would be a better option than the laddered one. Makoto was taken aback by the decision however, she knew that there no other options for them, this would be for the best of others. Then Makoto asked Rikka " Are going to tell the others?" Rikka nodded yes. Then Rikka spoke in a serious tone of voice, " and you can relayed the information and the choice that I have decided on to Alice. However, I will tell Mana in person about this decision." This was going to be hard thing to tell about this to Mana but, it had to be done.

After Rikka got out the hospital with her child, Rikka invited Mana to her new home that she was living with Ira. Telling Mana that she needed talk about something; mana came into the house and immediately saw Rikka sitting in the living room on the couch with two cups of tea on the coffee table. Mana sat down on the other side of the coffee table at a different couch that was light blue, Mana picked up the tea before sipping the cup of tea asked " So, what do you need to tell about?" Rikka grimmaced then look into the black tea, then she looked up to Mana with a serious face and spoke " Mana there something that I need to tell you....A few weeks ago after I gave birth to Chie, Makoto came to me telling me about a situation with the Trump Kingdom and Japan. The relationship has not been well between the Trump people and the citizens of Japan, basically we're on the edge to a civil war. However, there was another option to have Trump people moved to Minevra and to start a monarchy. However the Trump people will not accept Ira as their ruler, however they are willing to accept a precure and I was left with no other choice. I decided that my choice was to accept ruling the Trump Kingdom and Minevra being their new planet." Mana dropped the teacup to the hard wooden floor as it made a crashing sound, Mana looked in disbelief at what her friend said. Mana protested and stood up to Rikka, yelling at her friend. " Rikka?! Why would you do something like this?! Don't you know what your getting yourself into?!" Rikka looked up at Mana with a serious expression, she stood up as well and yelled. " Well, it was the only choice that I had! Mana, listen I know that you want to be prime minster and I support you. However, no one in Japan would willing to vote for you if there a civil war and the team would be in the midst of it! Sometimes you have do the moral thing, even though it was hard for me and in the long run it might not be the best thing to do, in the long run it will be right thing to do! This was for your sake for your future and the sake of others!" Mana stood there, thinking about the poltics and the moral thing to do; Mana thought about her friends, family and the people that she helped, it would all be for nothing if there a civil war. It was at this moment that Mana realized that, this was the only way to prevent a war from happening, Rikka's hands were tied behind her back. Mana sat down and looked down in shame, she was projecting her own selfish desires to her friend that morally doing the right thing. Mana looked up with guilt in her eyes, tears dropped from her eyes. " I'm sorry, I realized that what your doing is the right thing and I was putting my own desires on to you. That's the wrong thing for me to do as a friend and as being the future prime minster of Japan, I realized that this for the best for others. However, I would still like to visit from time to time and maybe you can visit me from time to time." Mana said while smiling softly with tears of guilt, Rikka sat down and smiled at Mana. " Yeah, I promised that I'll visit you from time to time and when you become prime minster, I'll make sure to visit you." Rikka said, then, Rikka hugged Mana and Mana hugged back her friend, then she spoke " Besides we're still friends no matter what happens in the future." Mana said releasing Rikka from hugging her, Rikka smiled softly at Mana and thanking her. Mana smiled then she got up and left the house going home.
(Here a song for the scene and you might need tissues that coming up)

1 month later

Rikka packed the last boxes in the house, Rikka smiled at the memories in the house. Rikka was sad to leave the house but, she had too, Rikka took one last glanced of the house that was now empty. Then, she went outside of the house to see her friends were outside along with her parents. Mana was in front of the group, she hugged Rikka crying a bit, Rikka smiled then looked at Alice who brought a parting gift for Rikka. Alice gave the gift to Rikka, Rikka peeked in the gift then, looked up to alice in shocked " Alice! You didn't have too, this is really expensive!" Rikka said. Alice smiled softly and spoke " Well you were my first friend besides Mand and I would like to repay you back for all you did...." Rikka nodded then she glanced to Makoto who gave Rikka her new album and spoke " If ever you need a concert, I'll be there in a heartbeat...." Then Rikka looked at her parents, her father was holding back tears while Rikka's mom held her father from jumping on her. Rikka looked at both of them and spoke "Don't worry I'll make sure that you'll see my daughter and that she will visit you two from time to time, I promised." As Rikka was talking to her parents, Ira was besides the running car that had Chie in it, Regina approached him and Ira turn around to Regina's small gift then she spoke " This is for you, I would like to keep in contract with each other and maybe I can visit you with Mana." Regina looked at Mana who was hugging her friend and blushed at Mana then she spoke " It would be nice to see you and for Rikka to see Mana, plus I'm willing to babysit Chie from time to time. I promise that I won't spoil her, like my father did to me when I was a villain." Regina smiled then went to Mana as Rikka walked passed her. Regina smiling at Rikka when walking to Mana, Rikka looked at Ira then spoke "Well it's time to leave, we got catch that plane...." Rikka smiled at Ira and Ira nodded in understandment, Ira got into car then Rikka looked at the group and waved them goodbye. Then Rikka got into the car, she got her seatbelt on, the car engine started and the car went into engine mode. Rikka waved to her friends as the car left the scene.

Chapter 19: Epilogue to the story

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