Chapter 4: Betrayal

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Ira was scared of death, Yes even Jikochuu agents can die. He heard what Cure Sword did to one of the original person that was created by Queen Myria but betraying Queen Myria that never happened. Queen Myria was dangerous and quite a sneaky woman. But, no one ever betrayed her because it never happened. However, from that journey with the cures and Queen Miu, he questioned his past life with his boss. When the cures held Cure Priestess crown, he thought that wouldn't find out what happened on Minerva. However, he was also teleported with the pretty cure to see Queen Miu's story. He surprised that they didn't notice until the end. Now, he was going to betray everything for finding out the past. Ira finished his letter to Rikka, and he knew that he couldn't say out allow; however, he can write down the feelings that he felt and his plan, explain everything else. That this plan was treason, trying to find out what really happened on the day that Queen Myria invaded Queen Miu planet.

Ira teleported to Rikka's room. It was a school day for all of them but, his pretend mom called him sick for the day and told the school that he was going to out for a month for a funeral that out in another country. He looked at the light blue bedroom, the frog theme bed sheets and blankets. Rikka must change recently, given the old blue sheet and blue and white diamond shape blankets. He remembered the simple times before the information of queen Miu was given to him. It was gripping and the revelations well there weren't that good either, he wished that lighting would come down and strike him, but even that wouldn't help. He supposedly friends that were family to him was stabbing him behind his back. Of course, there were the selfish agents, but this news was a stabbed to the heart. It was the ultimate betrayal for him, and that wouldn't happen if he hadn't ear dropped over the conversation at lunch. Yet maybe he could perhaps keep hidden but, who knows how long he can do that, they would find out the truth eventually. The skies were grey outside the winds picked up, just like how he felt inside. However, looking at Rikka's room made him better, but he was saddened by the fact that today was his death day. He left a letter to Rikka on her desk right next to the handkerchief he realized that was his handkerchief, the day that he wipes her tears that he shows how really felt but, he thought that Queen Myria blocked it when he created him, however, that all changed when met Rikka the day that he got struck by lightning. Then he transported away.

At planet Vulcan at Queen Myria's throne room

Ira walked in the throne room; they weren't able to teleport in the room. He opened the doors. It was only him and the queen " Ah! Ira, you are here and without Rikka...Did you fail again?" Queen Myria asked. He was silent for what seems to be forever, but, it was only a few minutes " Tell me....Tell me the truth... where did I come from, was I really created by you or was that a lie! TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED WHEN YOU INVADED QUEEN MIU PLANET!" he yelled at Queen Myria. She was silent, then teleport some red wine and looked into it and then spoke, " I thought this day would never come....I feared that this day came. How did you find out?" Ira looked at Queen Myria " Tell me what happened on that day..." Ira said. " Very well....the day that invaded Queen Miu kingdom" She looked into wine staring at it.


Queen Myria came upstairs with her Jikochuu guards and military people that she slaughter from the last planet that she destroyed. However, that cure escaped to the Trump Kingdom, and she was saving that for the last. She opened the doors found the Queen she turns around "How dare you to turn my people into the Jikochuu however, there is still hope..." Queen Myria realized that this wasn't the queen. "So the rumors are true...I thought that they were not true." You were the servant that help Cure Priestess, and her team defeated my puppet, the selfish, where is the four sacred treasure of the Trump Kingdom?" Queen Myria asked. "You think after what you did to Cure Magician's planet that I would tell you the hidden treasure and hand over! I never will- Queen Myria stabbed Queen Miu husband in the chest but not fatal but still severe. "Let him bleed...lock him up...." she looked at her corner of eye Bel appeared and bowed "yes your highness..." he smirked as he carries away the man that still had a knife in his chest.

Queen Myria walk down then she heard somebody that wasn't a Jikochuu agent collapsed. Queen Myria ran downstairs and saw the queen breathing very hard. Queen Miu was going into labor, then she snapped her nails the queen screamed and blood pour out. Queen Miu stopped breathing however, somehow her baby survived. The baby cried and Queen Myria was shocked by the transformation item that Queen Miu had glowed to the baby that crying. Queen Myria went to the baby found out that the queen had a boy. She stopped, she was scared, her legs felt weak she realized that this baby was not normal. Queen Myria picked up the baby boy as the two agents came downstairs, she turned to them and quickly gave orders to them " Burn the castle down, and everyone must die except for this baby....He different from the others and if play our cards right, his powers could be used for destroying those humans and humanity will die and I will be free from burdens." The two agents bowed but, Marmo came forward and asked " Should we prepare for it...?" The queen nodded yes. Bel came forward " You do know that this is a risky move your playing, if ever he starts question on his past this might lead up killing all of us." Bel said. Queen Myria looks directly at him with red glowing eyes "Yes, I do know that risky move that I'm going to do the ritual." The two of them stepped back and Marmo spoke " The queen is doing the ritual if I am correct you mean to telling us that were going to have a new selfish agent?" Queen Myria smiled evilly and spoke " Yes we're going to turn this baby into a selfish agent and his name will be Ira...."

The flashback ends

Ira was shocked his legs felt so weak, his legs collapsed to the floor he looked to the queen with angry in his eyes. He was shellshock from the revelation that he was the baby that why he able to see the visions with the pretty cure. The queen swirled her wine "We thought that would never find out, however, because of that lightening and the blue cure who saved you, you now know the truth. And because of that, you now must die..." she titled her head but, before she could do anything she heard baby cried "~Kyuuupiii~" A light shine then Queen Myria was parotid by attack moves. "Diamond SHOWER!" "Sparkle Sword!!!" two attacks hit the queen and created a smokescreen for a few minutes and then cleared to see the new DokiDoki team with Cure Diamond upfront "You were the one that destroyed the planet and almost killed Ira!" then a red cure came up and pull out her weapon a hold in one hand " Not to mention that we heard your story through Cure Priestess Eternal Golden Crown! What you did to Ira and his people was treason and since I am the only other who royal here that would means death." Queen Myria frowned and spoke " This wasn't expected, besides I am not battling you...not right now. It because of them! That half my powers are gone, so you win Precure! But, just let you that I remember this!" The queen blew wind and disappeared.

( Another Cliffhanger but a good one! Sorry it took a while been busy! But I hope you like it)

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