Chapter 9: The final battle with Bel and Marmo

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The pretty cure came outside to see the city being destroyed! People were running away from the Jikochuu Agents, then Marmo and Bel spotted them. They flew to them looking down to the leader Cure Heart; Bel was enraged by her " Cure Heart you were the one that defeated me three years ago, now because what happened, I am task with ending you and your team!" Then he looked at Cure Diamond and pointed his finger at her " YOU! YOU'RE THE REASON WHY THAT TODAY; WE ARE GOING TO END YOU! It because of you that we will have to show our loyalty to her!" And the fight began Marmo took on Cure Sword, Cure Rosetta and Cure Ace while Bel took on Cure Diamond and Cure Heart.
( here a fighting song if you want that it's from Touhou one of my favourite English songs:

Catch us) or could go with a pretty cure song if you like whatever you want) anyway back to the story)
They were fighting in the skies; some of the people were recording it; others were given time to execute the city and all the tall buildings. " Rosetta wall!" Cure Rosetta was blocking volley of attacks from Marmo. Marmo was getting angry by each passing moment she needed to succeed; she didn't want to perish! No, she wanted to live! She screamed in outrage, then uses her selfish energy to get a skyscraper out the ground and flew at speed 150 miles a second to Cure Rosetta, breaking her barrier being sending flying down where the tower is crashing through the field, and she severely injured her body. The others kept on fighting; Cure Ace was running out of time she knew that they had to defeat Marmo this fight prove to be hard for them " Ace Shot!" she pointed her lipstick at Marmo blasting at her causing a smokescreen for few minutes. Then Cure Ace was shocked by what she saw Marmo turn her Ace Shot into a dark ball of energy hit her and to make it worse, she ran out time when the ball hit her untransformed sent her flying down where luckily Cure Rosetta caught her barely.
Meanwhile, Cure Diamond was now fighting with Bel and was now alone because one of them was out time couldn't fight, and others were severely injured because of that Cure Heart went to help Cure Sword. " Diamond Shower!"
Bel dodged Cure Diamond attack, and he kept punching her while talking " You want to know why we want to destroy you! It because we have no choice too!
Then at the battle with Marmo
Marmo punched Cure Sword sent her flying to a wall then she kept on fighting with Cure Heart. Cure heart was trying her best to avoid the attacks while trying to land a punch while Marmo explains in anger while trying to punch Cure Heart " We were forced to defeat you or get killed by you and if we didn't we would die by Queen Myria that's why! Marmo and Bel said at the same time but different places, then back where Bel was fighting at with Cure Diamond." We need to defeat you! That why we are going to prove that we are loyal to her that we are going to beat you! Bel said.
Then at a different place where Marmo was fighting, she said in anger, " We do not want to die by the Queen Myria, but it would a worsen death than being defeated by you!"
Then back to where Bel was fighting with Cure Diamond, " That why we need to end you at any cost!" Then Cure Diamond stopped fighting she felt sympathetic to the villains then fought back while talking to Bel " You don't need to do that! You don't have to fight to live! Queen Myria wants to destroy the universe! It is possible, for example, Ira! When he left Queen Myria, he found it likely to have a life, especially with me! Because of him leaving her, he found out that he didn't need to make others suffer! It doesn't matter what Queen Myria thinks, what matters is that it's your choice! Then Cure Diamond punched Bel to the ground. He was stunned by what Cure Diamond's words he didn't think about himself when it came to Queen Myria. He felt he had to serve her until the end but, after what happened with Ira, he began to have second thoughts on it...
( here emotional OST from Hugtto Precure pairs nicely with what Cure Heart is about to say....)

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