Lightening Strikes

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"Alright," The Doctor sighs, ignoring Ryan's I told you so smile. "you think it's a ghost thing or a demon thing or...."

"I don't know. But every night I hear...scraping on my walls. Loud, sharp, long scraping. something's trying to get in." The man explains coldly with a minor, but noticeable, tremor in his voice.

"Freddie Krueger." Ryan states with surety.

Everyone in the room turns slowly to look at him.

"Freddie who?" Graham questions. Yaz looking at Ryan like he's got green skin and has a third eye.

"Freddie Krueger. You heard scraping. He's got claws." Ryan says like he's the only rational person in the room.

"And is also a fictional character, Ryan." Yaz moans, clearly sick of the pop-culture references already.

"Yeah, no I don't think it's that." The man nods.

The Doctor sees the disappointment and slight regret in the man's eyes. She doesn't want to let him down. He called for her help after all.

"We'll stay the night, if that's okay with you. Figure out what the scraping is about, get rid of it and any movie characters that might be roaming around and then leave you peace." She says with a comforting smile.

This'll be good, the Doctor thought. A good way to take her mind off what happened in Gallifrey. Being the timeless child didn't change her actions and who she was to people in need of help. What really changed was the Master's willingness to destroy himself, his home and her, just to show how broken and distraught she was after the revelation.

But he was gone, and good riddance to him. Another thing less to worry about, however she wasn't going to kid herself into thinking that he was actually gone for good. But for now she was free from him. Free from his games, schemes, lies and truths. And she was glad. Glad he wasn't there to wreck up her life. For the time being anyway.

"Can I get you anything to drink? Water, tea?" The man offers.

"A glass of water would be great. Thanks." The Doctor replies, shoving her thoughts of the Master aside for the good of everyone.

The night emerges and the Doctor's eyes remain wide open and alert inside the man's bedroom. The same couldn't be said for the rest of the gang however. Yaz was drifting off now and again trying to keep her head from dropping down. Graham was muttering words whilst occasionally dozing off, and Ryan was flat out, sound asleep on the carpet floor.

Then lightening strikes with a sudden crackle.

Everyone in the room awakes immediately.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Ryan shrieks.

"Just a bit of lightening. Nothing to worry about." The Doctor says, easing his nerves.

"No, no that's a bad sign. In the movie...."

"Enough with the movies!" Everyone moans to Ryan.

Lightening strikes again, this time directly onto the balcony and a dark figure flashes into view.
Ryan scuttles back as the doors from the balcony swings wide open.

The dark figure stalks into the room, revealing a face under the light.

The Doctor's jaw drops off.

"I'm an expert at dramatic entrances now, let's face it." The Master chimes as he lets out heavy sigh, looking towards the Doctor. "Hello love."

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