I Want You To Suffer

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"Doctor, your neck!" Yaz cries as the Doctor runs up to mirror and gawks at the black root-like veins creeping up her neck. She winces as well with a sudden pain, aching in her chest. The sickness is already growing.

"It'll only get worse from here darling. So don't bother looking for a cure when you know I'm the only person that has one."

"YOU CAN'T KILL HER!" Yaz screams to The Master's face.

He gives a bitter laugh as he looks at her, then to everyone else. "Oh you're being serious? You think I actually want to kill her. No..."

The Doctor holds her neck in agony as the Master traces her eyes.

"I'd never do that to her." He mutters, with a surprisingly soft tone. "Death would be boring. For the both us."

The Doctor rolls her eyes.

"You tried to kill me in the Citadel."

"I did." He confesses. "I was eager to see your darkness. I tried to bring you down to my level, to make you....equal." He explains, bitterly. "But in the end you disappointed me so, I've had change of heart. I mean, killing you would simply be too easy."

Despite the pain the Doctor scoffs in disbelief.
"Yeah, too easy." She says sarcastically. "You won't kill me because well....can't get the key if I'm dead, can you?"

"Exactly. I want you to suffer. Like I did." He says hoarsely, with slight, tang of pain in voice. "Hand over the key now and if you don't, I can always throw your little friends into the mix."

"NO! You don't want to do that." The Doctor orders.

"I think I do." He muses back.

Yaz leaps forward. "No, you don't because...." She stutters.

"We'll be really annoying if you kidnap us." Graham finishes.

"Super annoying." Ryan continues. "Graham won't stop talking, Yaz will keep complaining and I won't stop screaming."

The Master raises a brow and then scratches his chin. "Your tag-a-longs have a point." He says with annoyance. He hums a bit, in thought. "Yeah, you'd rescue them straight away that wouldn't be much fun for you...."

"You're sick." The Doctor spits.

"That makes two of us." The Master cheeses back. "Here's my location when you come."

He tosses a circular, podlike device on the floor.

He winks. "I'll keep the door unlocked for you."

Yaz sterns, eyeing him. "Leave now."

The Master ignores her and steps forward, towards the Doctor.

"You're going to come crawling back to me soon enough. You know it." He rasps. "Begging for a cure and obviously when you do," he inches to the Doctor's ear. "I'll expect my key in your hand."

He turns away with a sly grin.
"Oh and errr...don't worry about the old man. I handled it." He says before slamming the door shut.

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