Divine Favor | 2 Celine Battle And Escape

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"How do you know that my wolf is pure silver Dad?" I ask confused.

"I will answer it sooner but for now let's keep running! We need to get on the West side to avoid them finding us" Dad said eagerly.

We keep on running until we have decided to stop to take a little rest after three hours of running. Dad woke up my nanny after he put her in the forest floor.

"Maria get up now!" Dad command and slowly Maria move and opens her eyes.

"Where am I?" She ask getting up shaking her head, she looks to us frowning.

"Where are we?" She asks again.

"We're in the middle of the forest Maria" I said

"Why we're in the forest?" She ask

"Is your nanny an idiot or something?" My wolf asks rolling her eyes. I ignored her and sit under the tree beside her.

"We're in the forest because we're heading to west" I response.

"Our enemies sent battalions to get rid of us" Dad said stoic.

"Mom, dad can I ask something?" I ask

"Go ahead sweetie" Mom said looking to me.

"Do you have powers like mine too?" I ask innocently, mom look to me and shake her head.

"No, we don't have powers or affinities as others called it. Only pure silver wolf, lycans or halfblooded lycans can have them" Dad said cross arm.

"So it means that the other kingdom is lycans?" I ask.

"Yes they are halfblooded lycans. They are the last descendant of Lucians and they are naturally stronger and bigger than normal wolves or royal blooded wolves like us and a lot faster too" Mom said I never got the chance to speak because dad cut us off .

"End your conversation here; we need to keep going before they find us here" Dad said.

"Derek, I guess we need to shift to get there fast before it turns dark" Mom suggests.

"Right, Maria you shift too" Dad said looking to my nanny.

"Can I shift too?" I ask hopeful.

"No!" They both growled.

"Oh! Celine can shift now?" Maria asks cheekily.

"Yes nanny, I can! And my wolf is beautiful!" I said proudly, grinning at her.

"Good for you! We can run sometime" Maria said

"Enough of that talk. Celine hop in to your Dad's back when he shifted okay?" Mom said.

"Okay" I said pouting and they all started to shift. Dad wolf is a little bigger than mom, his midnight black with silver eyes and white paws.

"Hi Adonis!" I greeted dad's wolf by patting his head.

He purrs and I hop in his back, then mom's wolf growled. Mom's wolf is silver with streaks of white and ocean blue eyes.

"Oh hey Lira!" I said to mom's wolf smiling, she lean closer to Adoni and I hug them, then a small brown wolf came beside mom.

"Hi there Tessa!" I said greeting nanny's wolf. She's smaller next to Lira and her fur is brown with emerald green eyes.

"Let's go now!" I heard dad in my mind.

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