• songs of the month: june 20 •

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sup homos how are we all c o p i n g with the uhhhhh this bullshit?

i listened to a grand total of five new songs last month - i know. amazing. incredible.

let us get on with it because honestly my eyes h u r t

| run dry (x heart x fingers) - patrick stump

this changes into a completely different song halfway through and i love it

also love how it explicitly talks about alcoholism but has nothing to do with alcohol lol

| the ballad of mona lisa - panic! at the disco

_i_am_confusion_ you were right about this being a banger

| godzilla - with confidence

| choke (acoustic) - i don't know how but they found me

| do it all the time - i don't know how but they found me

i will forever associate this bop with drugs because i listened to it on repeat when learning about synaptic transfusion and the effects of different substances on the b r a i n


that's all i got lads

uhhhh peace?

- V I R G I L -

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