Look For Your Father's Gun

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B) go in your father's room and look for the gun

It's go big or go home time. You figured a gun would be your best bet for protection in a time like this. The only problem was you were unsure of where it was.

"Lizbeth, think of another place we can go. I'll go get my dad's automatic." And with that you crept into your father's room.

You were actually glad that the house was structured in such a confusing manner that whoever was in here would most doubtedly get lost.You were well aware that it would take some time to find the gun but you were more than willing to make that sacrifice.

Box after box you searched high and low for the damned gun but you have yet to find it. Panic arose in you as you spent precious time -which you didn't have- looking for this gun.

You nearly gave up until you came across your father's old tool box. Mentally slapping yourself for not checking there earlier, you opened the box and took out your weapon of choice.

You quickly snuck back to where Liz was and held up the weapon. "Sorry I took so long."

"Yeah and because of you we lost a lot of time. We need to bolt. Follow me." she responded.

Lizbeth led you two to the far side of the house where a small screen door was located. You wondered how she knew this even existed but as you climbed out she explained. "All these old colonial styled house were built pretty much the same. Same almost everything."

Quietly, the two of you made it outside where you were greeted with the cold harsh Washington air.

"I never did catch your name?" she asked.

"It's Y/N. But we shouldn't stop for tea just yet, we need to keep moving," you said as you two started walking. "So we have the forest. What's our other option?"

She took a moment to respond as if nervous to see how you would react. "The other option was to go to a neighbor's house and borrow their car or phone but because of you we lost to much time."

You looked ahead of you at the menacing trees. "So the woods then?"


Due to your decision to get the gun, you are only left with the option of the woods.

Go to the chapter titled "Woods"

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