The Game and Aftermath

Start from the beginning

Sam reluctantly put his hand on mine and I look that Shawn with insisting eyes but he jerked my hand and went away from their, which kinda hurt.

Sam smirked after seeing that so I asked "did you do it intentionally? Did you know he was there and listening to us. "

"No but I guess everything is in my favour today. It's definitely gonna affect his game, "he said happily.

"That's so sick of you Sam. I don't know about you but for him his captaincy is at stake, "I said. "That's not how you win but still all the best for the game, "I wish him and went to look for Jeremy so that I can tell him about Shawn's mood.

I found Jeremy near the bleachers and before I could say anything he asked, "did something happened between you and Shawn? "

I was shocked so I asked, "how did you know that? "

"Well he just came a minute ago, his face red with anger and you came from the same direction so I did 2 plus 2," he explained.

I told him everything that happened and ask him to take care of him and not let his anger affect his game.

"Don't worry sis I'll take care of him. Now you don't spoil your mood and enjoy the game, "he assured me.

"All the best to you too Jer. It's your last year playing for the school, do your best, "I hugged him and then went to sit with my friends praying that everything goes well.

I sat with my friends to enjoy the match even though I knew that would be the last thing on my mind.

The match started and everyone cheered for their team, well except for me. My eyes were only on the two stupid boys on the field and my mind praying for them not to fight.

They both were giving each other death glares but did not do anything at least for sometime.

Jeremy did the first goal and I applauded for him. Well the stupidity of the other two should not stop me from applauding for my brother, right?

Next goal was done by Sam and I clapped lightly then Shawn did next one.

First half went well without any trouble, with the score 2-1 my new school leading.

With the start of second half, score leveled. Time was running and both teams were trying their best to score a goal and also preventing the other team from doing the same.

5 minutes before the end of the match it almost happened, that thing I was dreading, Shawn and Sam's encounter. They both came face to face both, in anger. I cross my fingers and started to remember every God I know.

Then Shawn looked towards the bench where I was sitting, our eyes met and like somehow he heard my plea, he went away from there I was really thankful.

It was one minute before the end when Shawn scored another goal and get the victory for his team.

It was evident from Sam's face how disappointed and angry he was so I thought to give him some space plus he has his girlfriend for the support. I was the last person he would want to see right now.

So, I went to congratulate the winning team but seeing me Shawn went from there. Jeremy gave me sympathetic look.

I don't understand why Shawn was behaving like that. It was just a Jersey which I even took off.

Jeremy asked me to wait at the parking lot as he was my ride for home. So I went there only to witness the horrible scene, same scene I encountered nearly a year ago, Shawn and Sam fighting again. But this time I was angry, well no,I was furious because they promised, well Sam did and I had faith in Shawn. So as a
stupid that I am I went to stop them.

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