1 - break free

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This morning bright sun from the window woke up Lexa. She tried to fell asleep again, but she couldn't. After a few minutes, Lexa looked at the clock standing on her bedside table. It was 6.30 a.m. Too early. Way too early. She knew that she should still be asleep. In a few hours, she will be sitting in the class, writing an important test. The only grade that her mother would accept was the best, so Lexa needed to be rest.

"Damn it," she mumbled and got up from the bed.

Her mom wasn't at home - her shift began at 6 a.m - so Lexa didn't have to be the daughter her mom wanted her to be. She could turn the music on, dance, and sing to it. She could be herself. This moment was one of the few, that Lexa didn't have to pretend to be someone else.

She took a long, hot shower, then went to her room and put black jeans and a black hoodie on. On breakfast, she decided to eat cereal with milk, not some healthy meal which her mother would want her to eat.

Lexa was waking up to an empty house hardly ever. But whenever it was happening, she was always grabbing this chance as much as she can. She was exhausted by being the best in everything, just because Sonja, Lexa's mom wanted her to. Lexa hated this feeling when she was under her control, and she was felling it too often.

After breakfast, she finished all of the bathroom activities. It was 7.30 a.m. already, so she quickly turned off the music, take her bag and go to school.

Between Lexa's house and school was just a few minutes by walk, so, inside the building, she could slowly go to her locker, take all that she ned, go to the right class, and still got five minutes.

Soon enough lesson began and Lexa started making notes, that her mom will look at it in a few hours.

After a few classes, Lexa bought herself her favorite sandwich. She was heading to her locker when she heard someone call her name.

"Miss Woods!" someone behind her back shouted. Lexa immediately turned around. It was a secretary, Miss Lopez. She was much shorter than Lexa. She had short, brown hair and small, chocolate brown eyes. She always wore dresses and heels. There was a bright smile on her face all the time. She was a nice woman and students liked her, but sometimes you could also notice disappointment whenever someone did some stupid thing.

Other students looked at them curiously. Lexa was known as the best in the entire school.

"Yes, Miss Lopez?" Lexa answered, bringing on her face kind smile.

"Principal would like to talk with you". Lexa nodded and followed her. The secretary led her to the principal's office. Miss Lopes knocked to the door and after the permission, she came inside, Lexa waited outside. "Mister Smith, Lexa Woods is waiting."

"Tell her to come." Miss Lopes looked and nodded at her. Lexa slowly came to the office, while the secretary left.

"Good morning, Mister Smith," Lexa said nicely.

The Principal's office wasn't huge, but it wasn't also small. There were big windows on two walls. On the opposite of the door, there was a long wooden desk with a computer, many papers, pens, and other office supplies on it. On the other wall, there was a painting, next to the high cabinet.

"Good morning, Miss Woods. Please, have a sit." Lexa sat on one of the chairs, which were standing in front of the desk. Her leg was moving nervously.

"I need to ask that. Am I in some kind of trouble?".

"Why students always ask me about that?" Principal asked, grinning to Lexa. When he saw that it didn't comfort Lexa he added: "No Lexa. You are not in trouble."

It settled her down. Her leg stopped moving and her stomach didn't ache anymore from stress. Now she was curious.

"Lexa. Yesterday, our school joined the program of the student exchange. Our school will exchange one student with the school in Polis. You are our smartest student. So, if you'd want to, and your mom would say yes, we'd love to have you in this program."

Lexa was shocked. She was unable to give him any response. Move to LA? That would be a huge change in her life. Live with a stranger for a few months? Was it was a good idea?

Lexa did not like changes in her life. But... wasn't it exactly what she needed right now? Under her mom's control, unable to make her own choices, without friends. Lexa couldn't remember how was it hanging out with someone. The last time she had someone was like two years ago...

"C'mon, Lex. It will be fun," Costia tried to convince Lexa. Sonja, Lexa's mom, was at night shift, coming back very late. But if she would come back to an empty home, Lexa'd be in huge trouble. Sonja didn't know about Costia, because Lexa was sure that her mom would cut her off of her. Costia was the only one that Lexa cared about. She didn't have anyone, ever. She couldn't lose her. She couldn't.

"I should learn. Tomorrow is a test. And you know that if my grade won't be A there would be..."

"Troubles and consequences. Yes, I know. But I'm pretty sure that you know everything more than well," Costia was desperate. She wanted to go out somewhere with her girlfriend, anywhere other than their places. "When was the last time we go somewhere?" She asked, not knowing the actual answer on that. These two could only meet up on one another. When Lexa's mom was at home, Lexa was going to Costia, telling Sonja that she is going to a learning group, but when Lexa's mom wasn't at home, they could be at Lexa's. They were on a few dates in the beginning. They've fallen for each other quickly and Costia accepted Lexa's situation. In the beginning, she even enjoyed all that hiding, but in the long run, it was exhausting and unhealthy.

"You should be grateful, that she said yes for that group learning," Lexa smirked, knowing that learning wasn't just what they were doing.

"Group learning. Yeah, I like that kind of learning," Costia answered, smirking and wrapping her arms around Lexa. Cheerful flames played in the green eyes, a big smile visited Lexa's face. She placed her hands on Costia's hips and leaned to a quick kiss.

"Oh yeah?" Lexa asked, grinning at Costia. The girl nodded, smiling back. "Hell. Let's go!" She grabbed Costia's hand and go out of her house, stopping just to close the door.

Lexa blinked quickly to ward off the tears that briefly appeared on the memory of Costia.

Maybe that was exactly what she needed right now. She could make some friends and still learn for satisfy her mother. That was a great opportunity to feel something again.

"For how long?" she asked. A smile showed up on his face once he noticed that Lexa was actually interested.

"The whole year school."

"When would I leave?"

"This Saturday." On his face, it was easy to read that he preferred to pass this over in silence. It was Thursday. Not much time to think about it.

"Did you talk about this with my mom before?"

"No. But I will. I hope that it won't be hard to convince her, huh?"

"Honestly? I have no idea."

Lexa knew that it definitely won't be easy to convince her mother, and she knew that principal probably won't be able. But she was sure that she has to do it. This was her only chance to finally break free from her mother's rules and live her own life.

When green met blue || Clexa AU COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora