thats totally absurd

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So the day went by pretty fast with just a few lessons and a few home works to ,I'm in Jane's car ,and we  are on our way home , she's going to stay for us to get done with our home work then she'll go

Anna you really have to learn to behave like a girl when your around boys ",you know , Jane I totally don't know what to do I know that a relationship with me and a boy will never last so I never try to say yes when they ask me

Noo Anna you can't continue to say no when they ask you out or something ,just say yes to someone you think that likes you and is willing to protect you not play you ,then from there I'll help you with the rest

That's so absurd Jane I can't say yes I'll just end up running out later so I better just keep my butt on a perfect chair than to ruin a boys heart even though they're the ones that break hearts  and by the way we're at home

This math sum is killing my brain I'm totally confused Anna how do you do this it's super stressful ,"naa you just have to go to the text book search for binary then look for some examples and then baaam you get the solution

That is totally a looot of work Anna I can't do that ,"ugh !fine I'll just do it in my book then you'll copy

After a long while of home works Jane finally went home

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