The Start!

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Its all started last 2019. All of us are frightened when we heard and see the news about this virus. Were praying to our Almighty God that it will not get worse because for sure all of us will up the pole. All needs, works, bussinesses and etc. may suffer. People might experience poverty when this pandemic will get worst. All of our fears get worse when Wuhan China is the first center of this virus. Days past but we can't prevent the spreads of the virus in other country as well in my country Phillipines. According to World Health Organization COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. The real fight of my beloved countrymen starts when some people diagnose as positive in covid-19. All of us got panic because were shocks about this virus. In the first place we hope not to get involved but we did. "Ang laban ng isa laban ng lahat". After that, rapid growth of being infected with the virus all over the country. In other hand, I feel so bad to my countrymen because they didn't listen to our government with the simple request to stay at home and be safe. People choose to go outside without wearing mask. Where wearing facemask is also allowed and it is one of the law. They choose to gossips, going around, and other things that is not important to do despite of what happened cause by this pandemic.

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