My Blind Boyfriend: Worried

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"Something is wrong with Mikasa." Those words lurked in the back of Eren's mind the entire night as the nightly carousing minus the alcohol. As the night continued on he has begun to notice that Mikasa went from being her usual cheerful self to a hushed puppy. Her breathing was irregular and, when given the chance to speak, tone shaky and unsure.

Mikasa was well composed. She knew when her guard was slipping, and as soon as it fell for a second she put herself back together in the same instant. Mikasa was good at being amicable around others, it was a natural strong suit of hers that overshadowed any possibility she could be troubled by anything.

A lot of information could be obtain visually. But it looked like everyone was more blind than Eren was to see think that nothing was wrong with Mikasa even after spending so much time with her.

No, Mikasa was far from alright. And he could easily decipher that just from the constant shifting in lilts in her weakened tone.

So when it's time to turn in and call it a night Eren follows Mikasa back to her shared room. The others are having a sleepover in the neighboring rooms to enjoy their final night so it gave them time to talk.

"Mikasa," Eren says when he's led inside to the edge of the bed. He hears the door click and looks up in the direction the small sound came from, his head following the soft footsteps that stopped right in front of him.

Eren can imagine looking her in her eyes, but Mikasa only watches as they space out into her stomach. She had a good feeling of what the next couple of words were gonna be. Mikasa has learned that Eren can be perceptive in more than one way. The inability to see wasn't holding him down from understanding what was going on.

"Are you sure everything is okay?" Eren asked inquisitively. He's concerned, and it's a cute wear on him but Mikasa couldn't really bring himself to bring much attention to the matter.

"I'm fine, Eren, really," Mikasa poorly assured him, and even though he couldn't see she finds the fortitude to smile anyway. It's forced, tight, and greatly uncomfortable, but she really didn't want to worry someone like Eren.

"You don't sound ok–"

"Eren," Mikasa's tone is hard when she says his name, more emphatic and powerful than the last time. This time she isn't smiling, and her eyes spaced coldly into him as she drilled her nails into her arms that folded on her chest. Eren tensed, and it's probably the first time he has around her in a while since they've met.

"You said I was your rose, right?" The question takes Eren off guard but he instantly relaxes at the mention of one of the two of the nicknames he's given her and nodded proudly.

"Well," Mikasa says as her eyes glide to the open curtains that displayed the picturesque sight of the illuminated city glowing in hues of gold and sprinkled colors or blue and green. "After a while of being picked roses begin to wither."

Eren froze, eyes still staring distantly into Mikasa as the words she enunciated sunk into him. If he hadn't physically looked upset then he was bothered this time. It was a look Mikasa's never seen before on him.

He knew exactly what she meant. She wasn't referring to the rose he picked for her in the garden but her feelings that were bolstered in it. Mikasa was implying that what she felt was slowly fading as each petal fell.

"Is it because," Eren stands gently, carefully stepping close so he's towering over Mikasa, looking down at her with that still gentle visage. "The owner of the rose isn't caring for it much, or is there someone who hates roses that are plucking those beautiful petals off and purposely harming it?"

Mikasa felt her chest tighten and tears begin to burn at the corner of her eyes. Of course Eren would have figured it out. He's been the only one to really understand she felt confidently and never failed to speak up on it. They've known each other for such a short amount of time but ever since they started to hang out more and learn different things about them it felt like they've found another part of themselves.

💘My Blind Boyfriend💘: An Eremika Love StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu