An Essence

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*Today, let me be me ?*
So, much to begin with winds whistling & snow glistening,
But today let me be me..
The things I've seen will scar me for life,
Growing up I've seen wrong & very little of right,
But today, let me be me!
The mistakes done in past which screwed me to the vast,
Have been in all shades of life at the age of seven & twenty five,
But today, let me be me!
If I were to leave this world today
I'd want you to be proud of me & know that I always tried,
But today, let me be me!
All monsters have been let out of their cages to see, No wonders I may roam till dawn to the sea,
But today, let me be me!

    ———— x ———— x ———— x ———— x ————

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