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(All oneshots in this are going to be in third person POV unless specified.) [Also, I am terrible at cat puns. So I'm sorry but I'm not gonna do a shit ton but I'll try. As for Kurloz, I'm going to have him and Meulin sign, obviously, but I'm just putting his text normal because the Makara's typing quirks fuck my brain. Meulin is deaf but she can still talk so imma try with her typing quirk but fuck the makara's shit.]

(God I didn't think this through XD I'm sorry if this is bad)


"PURRLOZ!! PURRLOZ LOOK!" Meulin shouted as she ran to Kurloz, who was currently sitting on a struggling Cronus.
Kurloz looked up smiled at her before starting to sign to her. "Why hello there my motherfuckin miraculous matesprit. What's up?"
"loz! get the fuck off! especially if youre really about to start a vwhloe other convwersation!" Cronus shouted as he tried to shove the purple blood off.
Kurloz looked at him and shook his head before turning his attention back to Meulin, who waa opening a notebook as she sat in front of him.
Kurloz nodded and took the notebook as it was handed to him and looked it over.
"BY THE WAY... WHY ARE YOU SITTING ON CRONUS?" Meulin chuckled as she looked at the seadweller who had managed to flip himself over but still be trapped under Kurloz.
"He was picking on Mituna again." Kurloz signed without looking up from the notebook.
"i literally vwas just talkin to him! i vwas playin nice this time!" Cronus growled and shoved Kurloz again.
Kurloz rolled his eyes before getting up and shooing at Cronus. "Shoo then motherfucker. You're annoying me while I'm trying to read this notebook."
Cronus huffed as he stood up and took a few steps back from Kurloz to wipe the dirt of himself. "you do remember i cant tell vwhat yer sayin still right?"
Kurloz sighed and nodded as he shooed at Cronus again and sat back down as the seadweller left, mumbling under his breath.
"SO PURRLOZ WHAT DO MEW THINK?!" Meulin said as she scooted to sit next to him.
"I think it's motherfuckin amazing and that you did an great job." Kurloz signed to her and pressed his lips to her forehead.
She giggled and smiled widely at him. "MEW ARE STILL GOING TO HELP ME WITH THE PITCH SHIPS RIGHT?"
Kurloz nodded and stood up, holding out a hand to help her up as well. "Let's go home to work on it. I've about had enough of the motherfuckin outside." He signed as they started walking back to their hive.

~Time skip brought to you by Nepeta chasing Karkat~

"PURRLOZ YOU CAN'T TELL ME IT ISN'T A GOOD SHIP!" Meulin laughed as she watched her matesprit squirm.
"I will never be motherfuckin pitched for that fish." Kurloz signed to her.
"I THINK HE IS PITCH FOR YOU." She chuckled, earning another look of disgust from Kurloz.
"Meulin. I am so flushed for you but ew. Stop." He signed as he let out a soft chuckle.
Meulin laughed and hugged him from the side. "ALRIGHT I'LL STOP... BUT IT'S GOING IN MY NOTEBOOK." She giggled as Kurloz groaned and shook his head.
"What am I going to motherfucking do with you?" He signed and let out another soft chuckle as he hugged his matesprit back.

(I apologize if this was bad XD I literally just got home from work at it's late. None of that helps with the fact that I'm already bad at writing as both of these two. But it's ok. I'm gonna get better once I'm more comfortable writing as them. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed.)

(Final word count: 641)

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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