Hi, my name is...

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Back to present day:

When we get to the school we all park next to each other. Then we get out. It's like suddenly everyone knows we're here.

Conrad and Justin walk over to me and Josiah.

"Maybe this was a bad idea,"
I say looking around.

Josiah snorts,

"of course it wasn't. Come, let us go be normal teenagers for once in our lifetime."

We walk up to the red bricked school I'm a straight line. As we walk into the school, we turn heads. Literally. I hope we don't look weird.

We walk through the double doors and into the school. The floor is white tile, there are green lockers lines against the hallway walls. We pass people and class room doors. Everyone looks so unique, so cool. We walk into the office, the office lady looks up at us and smiles.

"I assume that you're the new students? The Taylor's?"

Conrad nods,

"yes ma'am. I'm Conrad, I'm a senior this year. These are my siblings, Vanette, Josiah, and Justin."

She smiles and comes from behind her desk. She hands Conrad a piece of paper, then me, then my brothers.
I notice how pretty she is. She's really petite and has a blonde bob. Her eyes are big and green and she has tiny pink lips.

She clears her throat,

"alright, here are your schedules. Do you need someone to show you around the school?"

Conrad turns and looks at me. I shrug and he says,

"no, I'm sure we can manage."

She smiles and goes back to her desk. I look at my schedule. Most of these things I don't know much about. My schedule went like this:

1. Calculus
2. English 3
3. Fashion design
4. History
5. Lunch
6. Free period
7. Physics
8. Athletics

I already decided that history would be my favorite subject. After all, I have five hundred years of experience with history.

Wylie, England 1452; a week after transformation:

I had stayed in bed since I had drank the blood from that boy. I couldn't go outside during the day, the sunlight burned my skin. Certain herbs like Vervain and Basil burned whenever touched or ate.

Luckily, my father knew a witch who could tell us why all these things were happening to us. The day the gray headed witch came over was by far the worst day.

"Your ancestors messed with the balance of nature. Your fathers grandfather, your great-grandfather caused a great witch to put a curse on your family. Your great-grandfather wanted to live forever. So the great witches put a curse of the future family, which is you. The prophecies, or the curse, states that the future family of you will live forever. Not without a cost though, in order to survive you must drink the blood of humans. If you choose not to drink blood you won't die, you will just suffer. But forever doesn't come without a price. Your now monsters. I put a curse on you that won't allow you terrorize people in the sunlight. I also put a curse so the herbs that grow in your garden. They will burn you whenever touched or ate. That way you can never truly be without pain. Though you can live forever, you can die. By a wooden stake through the heart, but the wood has to be from the tree on your property. Remember, this is a curse not a gift."

Over the years we learned the truth to this curse. Luckily, my mother knew a witch who owed her. She made us rings that allowed us to walk in the sunlight.

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