U.A. Exam

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Today is the day. The day I take thr exam. I've trained long and hard for this moment. As I stand outside U.A. I take a look at the massive building. Students flocking in by the hundreds. I decided it was time to follow.

I walked inside the building and found the auditorium. I took a seat that happened to be beside that bastard Katsuki. He used to bully me back I'm the day because of my 'villainous quirk'.

My quirk is called Blacksmith's Arsenal. I can summon any sword that I have scanned with my eyes.

I took my seat and listen as Present Mic began explaining the exam.

A some time past when suddenly a ripoff Sonic the hedgehog stood up and disturb the peace.

"Sir there are 3 robots while you speak of four. If U.A. is careless enough to make such a mistake I'm very disappointed. And you with the Green hair and tattoo, if you mind stop looking so disinterested or leave." He ranted. Well time to cool hid jets.

I summon a dagger and inch it ever do closely to his neck.

"Listen here you. Let the man finish speaking. Now sit down and shuttup before I slit your throat wide open." I threatened. He sat down shaking. I dispersed the dagger.

Present mic then explained the Zero Pointer.


I'm standing in the middle of the crowd when eyes glimps someone standing all alone. It's a girl with dark purple hair and black eyes. She looked scared.

"Hello?" I called. She looked at me.

"Sorry to bother you but you look a bit nervous."

"I am. It's not like I have anyone that believes in me. I'm all alone." She said sadly. He voice was soft yet strong. Her eyes trained on mine.

"So your saying you have no friends?"

She nods.

"That just changed. I'm Izuku Midoriya. I'm just like you. How about we be friends?" I said smiling. Her eyes lit up as she stared into my green eyes.

"Sure. I'm Kyoka Jiro." She said happily.

"That's a lovely name." I complimented. She blushed and played with her Jacks.

"Your name is quite nice as well." She said.

"My first compliment in 6 years. I'm honored." I said happily.

"Why is that?"

"I summon swords. Everyone thought of me as a Villain. I never had friends since I was 4 years old." My tone was sombre and depressing.

"Oh I'm sorry. People have always seen me as a goth which I am not. I just like darkish stuff. I was always cast aside as if I was a curse." She said copying my tone.

"Well... Let's make a pact. Friends till we die."I said holding out my right arm.

"Friends till we die." She reached out and grabbed my hand by the wrist.

"ALL RIGHT PARTICIPANTS GO!"Mic announced. No one except I moved.

I summoned a Gunbai fan. My quirk say it was a sword. Still I'm not arguing.

I used my telekinesis to guide it through the air as I surfed it like a Hawaiian. I took out five bots I'm the process. Mic then explained that in a battle there are no countdowns.

By time everyone else noticed I already had 50 points.

200 points later

I now have 265 points. That should be enough. I was resting on a roof to rest a little.

It was then I heard a scream. I look and saw a girl stuck under some rubble. Everyone else except Jiro ran away. She was trying to pull her out.

I saw the Zero Pointer approaching.

I immediately hopped on my Gunbai and surfed to the scene.

"Jiro get out of here I'll deal with this." I shouted. I then lifted the rocks her and dragged her out. Jiro took her while I dealt with the Zero Pointer.

"One Thousand Blades Of Death." Suddenly a myriad of different swords went wizzing past my face. When they made contact with the Zero Pointer it it exploded.

I then blacked out due to exhaustion.

When I awoke I was met with the sight of purple hair. I shot and looked around.

"Finally awake sleepyhead." A voice called out.

"Jiro....what happened?"

"You overused your quirk and fainted.....Dumbass why the hell did you do that. Weren't you satisfied. I just got a friend I can lose you that quickly." She sobbed.

"I'm not going anywhere, Jiro." I assured her.

"Anyway the nurse said you can leave when your awake. Wanna come to my house?" She asked

"Sure. My mom is on a business trip and my dad is overseas." I explained.

"Then what are you waiting for let's go." She began dragging me from my seated position.

We began walking.

"How long until we get our results?" She asked.

"Couple weeks."

"Good gives us plenty of time to get to know each other."

The Jiro Residence

We arrived at a standard suburban home. She then knocked.

A older version of Jiro open the door. Damn her mom is hot.

"Kyoko honey your home. Who is this?" Asked the mother.

"This is my friend." She said nervously.

The mother looked at me skeptically. I tried not to make eye contact. She then smiled widely.

"My daughter has a friend I'm so happy. Come in come it." Phew at least the mother likes me.

"I'm Mika Jiro." She greeted.

"Izuku Midoriya." I said.

"Nice to know Kyoka has a friend." She beamed.

"Mom! Anyway let's head to my room."

And so it begins.

Words 927

Posted 21/7/2020

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