Chapter 12: The Beginning Of The End

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We materialize in a new place, a new world. A mistake we'd soon regret.

The ground is littered with golden-crimson grass, the vast array of multiple coloured trees that spring up to touch the sky. The sunlight is brighter than usual here and the view is definitely more amazing.

I search for a word, maybe two, something I can say to break the silence and I realize Carol is doing the same thing too. She's been rendered speechless by the new lively environment.

"I think we're here," I finally manage to murmur.

"Yeah, this place is amazing. I mean... Look at that, that is literally a purple tree." Carol mumbles in amazement.

"Look there's a red one, and one's blue, The sun feels so good on my skin." I say.

"We should look for someone who can tell us about this second rising thing," Carol suggests while looking around for any signs of activity.

"I don't know, this place seems deserted. Let's look around," I say and we both move.

We walk through a thicket that lies just ahead and our eyes open in amazement. A large grassy and flora filled horizon greets our eyes. My eyes experience an eyegasm as I marvel at it. No wonder the Danann didn't want to come back to Ireland. This place is amazing.

We both take a minute, breath in the new air and begin our exploration. The golden-crimson grass continues to cover almost everywhere, puddles and small dams litter the ground, some are puddles. The plants make up most of the life. We see a bunny, a dear and then a strange animal that looks like a gigantic bunny, other strange animals also tussle about.

"We've been walking for two hours now and we haven't seen a person. All we've seen are strange animals and plants and mystical looking water." I complain as we keep walking with no idea whatsoever where it is we're going.

"Well, we're already here and we have a whole week. Might as well make the most of it. Besides this place is gorgeous. Imagine the nights."

Carol has always liked night time, she thinks it slightly more beautiful than day time. The stars sparked her natural curiosity.

The only thing that comes to my mind though is her and I doing naughty things. I miss the feel of her skin under my touch.

"That's what you're thinking about? We're in an unknown foreign land, Angy," Carol states as she walks beside me.

Shit, I forgot she can read minds. Abhartach immediately locks her out of my head once again. This time I think he's made sure that the only way she comes back in is with our permission.

"Hey, not my fault. I'm a hormonal teenage boy, what did you expect. Besides I've imagined worse."

"Boys," She says with a sigh before complaining about Abhartach locking her out again.

As we continue wandering about looking for anything we hear a sound. Like sharp metal objects clashing. We should totally head for the opposite direction but Carol prefers to stare the situation right in the face, tell it to fuck off, and she does just that.

"Come on, let's check it out," She says with a stern expression.

"When you hear sounds of struggle in a magical land, you go the opposite direction then check it out after. In fact we shouldn't even check it out at all. What if it's someone who'd kill us."

"And what if they have the answers we need. We have to see."

I don't want to, I remember the vision I had. She died in my arms, I will do whatever I can to prevent that, but I know that she can take care of herself and she's definitely way stronger than I am.

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