Chapter 11- Haunted

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June 4th 2020

- Taylor -

The last couple of days have been difficult to say the least. Rosie has been really clingy since the incident at the hospital and I can't blame her for that, but when Karlie is in a meeting and I'm trying to handle both kids alone, it definitely isn't easy.

"Just a second, lovey, I need to grab Auggie's bottle, okay?" Rosie is crying as well as August and Karlie is upstairs on a video conference so all I can do is try and keep my cool. "I know, little man, mommy's trying," I sigh as I take the bottle out of the warmer and shake it. We're sleep deprived and stressed and trying to learn the ropes of parenting. It's like being thrown in headfirst with a traumatised little one and a newborn, I want to give them both every ounce of my attention but I can't give anymore than I already am.

"It's alright, come here, honey," Rosie is in the middle of the floor as she hugs her blanket and cries. She had a tantrum when I had to move from the couch to change and feed August and it broke my heart. She isn't for moving so instead of fighting her, I sit down on the kitchen floor with her. August is happy once he has his bottle and Rosie lays her head down on my lap as she keeps crying so I do my best to soothe her and promise that it's all okay.

We stay on the floor until August is done with his bottle and Rosie is calm again and the little blonde is sniffling but no more tears fall. "What do we have here?" Karlie chuckles as she walks into the kitchen and I just shake my head in exhaustion as I look down to Rosie, my fingers trailing through her soft blonde curls. I see the look of concern in Karlie's eyes as she kneels down beside us, ever since the shooting she's been so clingy. We don't think she really knows what happened but she knows it wasn't a good thing.

"Hey Ro," the little one's eyes peek up to her and Karlie smiles gently at our daughter, "can I have some cuddles? We'll stay right here by mommy," Rosie reluctantly agrees and sits up so Karlie shifts her into her arms as she moves to sit with her back against the kitchen island like mine. We're all just a little on edge right now and I think she can sense it.

I rest my head on Karlie's shoulder as I sigh, cradling August close to me as I take whatever moments of quiet I can get. "How was your meeting?" I hum as I take a breath and Karlie sighs, "it was longer than I would've liked." The model is doing her best to be here and help out in every way she can but she can't skip out on her meetings, I made her promise me that.

I sigh as I rest my head down on her shoulder and Karlie wraps her free arm around my shoulders. As chaotic as life has become, I'm just grateful for the fact that we're all here and safe.

"How about we go and get ready for your bath before Grammy and Papa Scott get here, huh?" My mom and dad are coming over for dinner tonight to spend some time with Ro and meet little Auggie. They've been giving us our breathing space the last few days but honestly, without our moms' advice it would've been even more chaos than it has been. "Can I bring my boats?" Karlie chuckles as she kisses the five year old on the forehead, "of course you can, monkey."

It still surprises me how Ro can go from sobbing to caring less in such a small amount of time. "Alright, come on then," Karlie gets up with Ro and then offers a hand to help me up as I hold Auggie. "I'm going to try and get started on dinner, we'll see if this little man will let me put him down," I laugh gently as I move Auggie so that he's resting against my chest. "If he doesn't then use the wrap, he gets to be close to you and you get your hands," Karlie kisses my cheek and I nod, smiling gently to myself as I watch her and Ro leave the room.

I love them so much. Karlie is the love of my life and Rosie and Auggie, they're my little angels. Even in the loud, tantrum filled moments - I wouldn't pass it up for the world.

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