Chapter 63 - The power in a name

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March 14th 2022

- Karlie -

"Stop your fussing, I'm fine," I laugh as Taylor fusses around me as I change Baby B's diaper, the singer convinced I shouldn't be on my feet, even though I got the all clear from the doctor and I feel pretty good for having birthed two human beings less than twelve hours ago.

"Mommy is stressed that your big sister isn't going to like you, even though she's been just as excited about you two as your other big sister, huh?" I coo at the newborn as i fasten the tabs on her diaper, and Taylor just rolls her eyes as she sits back down with Baby A. "I know she's going to love them, I'm just worried she'll be upset about the name thing," she frowns and I sigh as I pick up Baby B and go to sit back down beside her.

"If she's not okay with it then we change it, Tay, we have an alternative choice. But honestly, baby, I think she's going to love it." The singer sighs as she rests her head on my shoulder, "I hope so, I'd hate for her to feel like we're overstepping." I kiss her forehead as I try to reassure her, "I promise, my love, it's all gonna be okay."

The nurses have been coming in and out to check on me and the twins all night, and everything is perfect,  which is a huge blessing. Our three older babies are happy and healthy and safe at home with their Auntie Selly. Our family is perfect, and there's nothing that could take the bliss away from our lives at the moment.

"I can't wait to go home and see our babies," I laugh as Taylor's phone lights up on the bed and reveals the Lock Screen, which is a picture of the kids at the gender reveal a few months ago. "Let's just hope that these two stay as perfect as they've been to this point, huh? Then we can take you home tomorrow." The doctors have been incredible at explaining everything and monitoring the babies, but thus far there's no cause for concern.

- Taylor -

My phone pings and I look to Karlie, "she's on her way up." She laughs as she kisses my cheek, "it's going to go perfectly, Teff, I know it will." I nod in agreement as I pass her the second baby, making sure she's comfortable with the two of them before I get up to go and find the teen. "I'll be quick," I smile sweetly at her and she nods, "we'll be perfectly fine for a couple minutes, my love."

I leave the hospital room and make my way to the reception where Lilah should be waiting, and I find the excited teen very quickly. "Oh my god, you look like a giant," I laugh as I wrap my daughter in a hug, and Lilah laughs as she hugs me back, "are they tiny and perfect? How's mom? Did the doctors say when they can come home?" She immediately fires off a bunch of questions, and I rub her arm as I let her out of the hug.

"Karlie was amazing and is totally fine, and your baby sisters are perfect, but they have to be monitored for a little longer because they were early," I answer all of her questions with a proud smile on my face, and Lilah nods, so I take her hand and give it a gentle squeeze, "are you ready to meet your baby sisters?" She just laughs as she rolls her eyes, "are you kidding? I've been waiting months for this!"

Both girls have been excited about these babies for months, but it's different for Lilah and we understood that.

I lead her back along the hallway to the recovery suite that Karlie was moved to after giving birth, and she follows me in as quietly as she can.

"Hi honey," Karlie beams as she spots the teen behind me, and I close the door as Lilah goes over to the bed. "They're so small!" She looks between us and I nod, "they were both five pounds and nine ounces, which is small but healthy for them being early." She stares at the newborn babies as Karlie and I watch Lilah, her eyes brimmed with tears as she smiles at her new little sisters.

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