Chapter 2: The Truth

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A longing sensation has crept inside his heart he didn't know was there. It was as if a dam had burst open. The feeling was overwhelming. The pounding of his heart had tripled when he heard the kid had called him again that name but it was clearer and more vivid to his ears. It resonated a crying soul that has been locked up for a long time.

His thoughts were interrupted when the kid hugged him. He can sense the desperation of the younger one on the way he did it. It was as if the kid didn't want to let go of him. Like he was going to disappear into thin air once he let go. His instincts told him that he should hug the kid, so he did. He thought that the kid would stop from crying but it only intensifies everything inside the room.

"Hush now, dear. I'm just here. I won't go, I promise." Panic has been creeping up on him so he hushed him telling him sweet nothings. And it worked out a little. He had to carry the kid up so they can both rest in the sofa inside the room. The kid had wrapped his arms on him tighter.

After he had reached the sofa, he gently pats the kid's back while his other hand brushes the kid's hair. Minutes had passed as he heard a sniffing sound. He didn't want to disturb the kid's tranquility so he had continued what he was doing earlier.

He wanted to ask the kid certain questions but he had sensed that the younger one was now peacefully sleeping on his arms. Afraid that the kid would be awake, he didn't bother to lay him down on the sofa. He'll just have to wait for a certain someone who'll look for the kid as he decided to contemplate his feelings earlier.

He wondered what kind of feeling he had felt when he saw the kid crying. Maybe it was just a natural reaction for someone who really loves kids. Anyone would have an initial action like his in the same situation.

He was then lost on his own trail of thoughts when someone swung the door hurriedly, almost panicking to his liking. He was immediately frozen when he saw who it was.

It was Mew. But what surprises him the most was when Mew called the kid's name.

"Rain!" the kid flinched on his arms as he heard the loud voice that called his name. Rain, as Mew called him, had slowly open his eyes as he yawn a bit and tilt his body to see Mew. He also tilts his head just to see a startled Mew who has been fixated on his current position. He doesn't know what kind of thoughts Mew had that moment. He wanted to say something but he decided to keep his silence.


When Rain had called Mew, the other guy who froze in his spot got his consciousness back. But it was Gulf's turn to froze on his spot when he heard how the kid had called Mew. All he can do is to wait on what about to happen next.

Mew hurriedly walked to Gulf's direction and carried Rain away from the younger guy's lap. He was still astonished upon looking how worried Mew is for his son.

Yeah, Mew's son.

His mind couldn't process what was happening when suddenly, Mew turn to his way to get his attention. Mew's eyes were giving off something unreadable, something unsure but somehow it had affected him big time. There's a hint of fear and loneliness in it but he was totally unsure of everything right now. All he had thought that moment was that Mew already has a kid and he happen to know about it, well, accidentally.

He was about to excuse himself when Bosser came rushing inside the room. Heavy breathes can be heard inside. After seeing Mew who holds Rain tightly in his arms, he heaved a deep sigh of relief.

"Oh, God! I almost had a heart attack." He commented exaggeratedly before he locked the door behind him.

"Where did you find him, Mew?" he asked Mew without giving a glance to their audience who just kept his silence ever since.

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