Start from the beginning

Tears start to fall down my face and I snap at him "How dare you to tell me that! You don't know what I feel!! You don't know how it is to be with someone who doesn't want to take things serious! You don't know how it is to lie to your best friend about something that you're dying to share with the world! You don't know how it is to feel that you found your soulmate!! YOU don't know what love is! I love you, but I can't take this anymore!!" I leave him alone behind as I run away. I'm done with this!

I cry all the way back home and my phone doesn't stop's Jake!! Now he wants to talk?! I'm not up for it!! I can't deal with this anymore!! As I arrive at my place my phone starts to buzz again...I'm sick of this! Why doesn't he stop calling!! Ugh! I pick up angry then ever "Jake I already told you I don't wanna talk...didn't you get it..." and suddenly I'm cut off. "Hey, hey!! Calm down's me Susan!!" I hear on the other side of the phone. I bite my lip and take a deep breath. "Hey Susan...sorry...I thought it..." and she cuts me off again "Yeah I everything okay?" I almost start to cry again, but stop myself "No, it's not...I'm done with him Susan...I really am!"

"I'm you really think that's no chance of you figure things out?" I shake my head "No. But you didn't call me to hear my problems...what do you want to talk about?" I try to change the subject, I don't want to think about this issue any longer.

"Well...I called to know if you want to go to the Club with the guys from Work...we're gonna celebrate the last project that we sold. I think you should'll be good for you!" I shake my head "I don't think I would be a good company today." She insists "Non sense...that's one more reason for you to get need to have fun Jen and to distract yourself!"..."I don't know Su..." and she cuts me quickly off "I'm not taking no for an answer...I'm picking you up at ten..." I try to insist "But..." but she doesn't give me any chance "Bye! See you later!" and hangs up. Ugh! I fall desperate into my couch.

As I'm lying on my couch I check my phone once more missed calls from Jake. I guess he finally gave up and got to his old ways. That thought makes me sad again and as I think about it I cry myself asleep.

Some hours pass and I finally wake up. It's already dark outside...Oh My God! What time is it?! I panic...when I finally reach my phone to see the hours it's already eight! I need to take a shower and decide what to wear...Ugh!

It's almost ten and I'm already getting my makeup on when I hear the doorbell..."Jen I hope you're ready and not still whining on your couch!" I hear Susan yell from the other side of the door...she's so crazy sometimes.

I try to smile when I open the door for her..."Hey..." she smiles at me and we hug. "Come in...I'm almost ready...I'm just getting my makeup done..." she looks shocked at me "You're not going out in this, are you?!" I shrug "What's wrong with this outfit?" I look confused at her and she laughs "You're kidding, right?...What's not wrong with it?!" and grabs me into my bedroom as she opens the closet "You're going out...not to Church!"

I just shake my head..."Now get out of that long skirt and put this on" she troughs some black mini skirt and a shiny white top on the bed. I add a blazer to it and some black high heels. "Now you're ready to party!!" Susan says looking at me excited. I shake my head "I don't know, Susan...I'm just not in the..." and she shuts me up "'re not bailing me on this're coming and you're gonna have fun. Okay?" I just nod and we go to our favorite bar.

As we arrive at the Bar I immediately see Jake's friends and I panic...I don't need to see him right now!! But I get relieved and a bit disappointed when I see that he's not with them. Where is he then? With some other girl? Stop!! You don't need to think about that right got out to have fun!! I think to myself.

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