A Room With a View

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I wish someone had told me how long it would take to get from one side of campus to the other on freshman move in day. If it took any longer, I would be sleeping in my car tonight. We began the drive down here at seven this morning. We got here by eleven, which was surprising, but, nonetheless, a blessing. Right now, I'm standing outside Rutherford Hall along with my parents, my brother, and his girlfriend. A few other families are surrounding us and I can't help but wonder if one of these people are my room mate. I have only spoken to her once and that was three days ago on a chat room. She seemed nice, but you can only get to know a person so well via the internet.

At last, the doors of the hall open up. The building has dark paneling and beautiful features. I'm not really the type to love the typical freshman community party living, so I made the, as my parents would say, responsible decision to stay in a dorm that isn't filled with one thousand eighteen year olds. Instead, I chose this beautiful house with freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. I don't think my mother realized that I will be living with wild 22 year olds, but I sure as hell am not going to mention that.

"Guys, this way," I pause. "Maybe."

"Can I be of any assistance?" a dark voice resounds.

I turn around to see what might be the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my enire life. Well, not on the internet. This guy is the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome.

I feel a nudge on my shoulder and I turn to see Danielle, my brother's girlfriend, smirking at me. Brushing her off, I turn back to tall, dark, and handsome.

"Ummm yes, you can, actually. I can't seem to find my room." I finally respond.

"what's the number? Maybe I can point you in the right direction." Handsome says.

I unfold my paper without dropping everything in my hands, and I search for the room number. "It's number 128."

"Ahh fairly easy. you're going to take a left down this hallway," he states, motioning his hands with his words. He seems genuinely nice and maybe we can be friends. His brown eyes shine so brightly, and they aren' t that muddy brown, either. They have a few specks of gold on the rims that make his eyes pop like a fire in the dark, moonlit woods. "...your room will be on the right. Any questions?"

I missed everything he said. Shit.

"No. I believe we have it from here. Thank you for your help." Danielle jumpped in to save my butt. "You're welcome," she whispered faintly in my ear. I have a feeling she will never let this one go.

Danielle made her way to the front of the crowd so she could lead us to my room. As we begin to walk away, I hear the same voice flow into my ear like liquid gold. Oh, snap out of it Cadence!

"By the way, I'm Greyson."

"Cadence," reply.

"See you around Cadence," he said said. With that, he walked away and I yearned for his presence to return.

"Cadence!" My father yelled. "I do not want that boy distracting you from your studies. Do you understand?"

"Dad, relax, will you? That is just a guy I met here, with my family, trying to find a dorm room. It's not like we maden life plans together. Dang," I huff. Sometimes parents just dont get it.

"Whatever," dad grumbled and started following Danielle to my room.

I trail behind the crowd only to look back to find Greyson looking at me. He winks and I can't help but think maybe a little distraction from my studies won't be a bad thing. I aimlessly make my way towards my family when my mom calls my name.

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