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I remember the day like it was yesterday. It was just a regular night in the Jordan residence. My family had gone to bed and I was up late checking emails, twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. I got this weird feeling that I should check my application status online. I check it religiously, so there was no way there was a change. The web page always said "pending."

After I logged in, I saw the large, bold word "CONGRATULATIONS!!" and I freaked out just a little bit. It seemed so unreal. As a precaution, I logged out and back in to make sure I was awake and not dreaming. Like the previous time, the word lit up the screen.

With my heart beating at an alarming rate, I rushed down the stairs to my father. He was, undoubtedly, the person I wanted to tell first.

"Dad, Dad, Dad Wake up!" I screamed in a whisper while shaking his arm.

One eye popped open and realization took over his face. He bounced out the bed and rushed to my side. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"I did it! I got in! I'm going to UGA!" I screeched.

"Congratulations, Sweetie!" my father congratulated me. I know he doesn't want me to go. I'm his little girl and he wants me to stay protected in his grasp. However, this is an amazing opportunity that I just cannot pass up.


From that day, until now, my life was full of congratulations and preparations. Today is the first day of school for me. Its move in day 2015 at the University of Georgia and I could not be more excited.

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