Hey Look A War

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What's this,2 updates in 1 day? Nani?!!? Anywho, another project I forgot about for a long, long time. I wrote this in 7th grade-that's why it's kinda dry. Everything from that time was kinda dry and felt like a run on sentence. Remember, give me some feedback on these stories!! (And maybe a vote-)

 Veridia was used to making poor life choices.It was practically in her job description. Go get that rare item from the dragon cave, go save those hostages from the raging psychopath. This was a whole new level of idiocy though.

Just why was she on a rocky cliff, inspecting an enemy base camp full of cold-blooded, sociopathic murderers? To answer that question, you would have to go through at least 5 tombs, filled to the brim with juicy information about the nation of Leff and Korio's feud. Or their bloody wars. Or their 2 year political alliance that ended with the ambassador to Leff headless. In fact, that particular alliance started this war. Figures.

Veridia was the best spy in the kingdom of Leff. Or at least, she was supposed to be. She was descended from the Graylock familia, the oldest clan to have ever graced Leff. Add to the fact that at least 9 people in her family were elected to the Council, and 10 others served as said Council's Guards, you could see that she had some expectations to live up to. And she tried her best.

Though, sometimes her best wasn't good enough. Like now.

Now, she was using her invisibility cloak to hide her from the prying eyes of the watchman in the base. She tapped through the mind link that allowed her to communicate with her other teammates at their base camp.

I'm in position, she tapped, the link buzzing with her concentration. Keeping the mind link intact while keeping her wards up was proving to be more difficult than expected, sweat beading her brow.

You're okay? No one's noticed you yet? Ezeikel tapped back, each sentence posed as a question.

Annoyance pricked in her. Did this prick think she would screw up? She was the Ghost, for god's sakes. She could handle herself, thank you very much.

So, in her best Who-is-risking-her-life-collecting-information-oh-right-me voice, she tapped back: Well, I've been here for approximately 15 minutes, and it seems fine. So it's obviously fine. Screw off.

And that was the exact moment it turned out not so fine. Not so fine at all.


General Cressida Chapman of the Korio Royal Army, division 19, walked out of her tent, yawning. She stretched her arms high above her head as she looked around the encampment, her white hair falling out of it's messy bun. Her eyes scanned the Kitchen, a sprawling green field filled with tired, hungry soldiers, burned out from the morning workouts. They stormed the table of food set up in the middle, and surrounded the portable stoves.

Cressida glided up to the tables, grabbed herself a plate, then stood in line with the others,waiting for a fresh, hot place of Misty's famous turtle stew. At least, as fresh as you could get here. She still felt a little guilty over the death of the turtle's, but you couldn't fight Misty's famous stew. It was delicious.

Suddenly, she felt a strange sensation run all over her body. A warm one. It either meant she was coming down with a fever, or...

Someone's spying on us, she thought, her eyes tracing the camp's enclosures. Her eyes settled on the cliffs.

The cliffs overlooked the base, and it would be the perfect spot for some Leff spy. She focused on the cliff... and saw it.

Unlike most people who couldn't use magic, she could see magic. She could see how it flowed and ebbed, how it danced. Sometimes, when she felt strong and there was a magic overflow, she could divert the flow and control it. So for a few, brief moments, she could experience the high of magic.

But then, it would inevitably end. And then she would be running for her life since she pissed off the dragon.

She saw a white cloak, made out of a shimmering material. It glimmered and flowed, yet there was something about it that awakened her senses. It had a sharp scent to it, that floated down the mountain and to their camp. Magic.

She signaled to a guard near her; a slight head nod, angling her head toward the cliff's. The guard nodded back, then stamped his feet.

And the world turned white.


Meanwhile, up on the clifftop, Veridia was still arguing with Ezeikel.

All I'm saying is that you should be more careful, Ezeikel tapped.

All I'm saying is that you should have more faith in me, Veridia tapped back, stomping her feet. Need I remind you who saved your ass back at Nova Terra? Me.

Who healed you when you were about to die at Mehrdad? Me, Ezeikel tapped. She could practically hear the anger in his voice.

Just what are you two fighting over this time?, a voice asked, tinged with weariness. Veridia sighed gratefully.

That voice belonged to their leader, Magdalia, who just so happened to be Veridia's childhood best friend. They had grown up next to each other, and had gone to the local children's school together. They were also classmates in the Institute for Magical Science. It automatically gave her a leg up from her other teammates, since Magdalia always took her side -unless it was about pickles, then it was every man for themself.

At that very moment, when Veridia and Magdalia were both preparing to go to town on Ezekiel, the mountain blew up.


Veridia woke up, her head ringing. It felt like she'd been doing push ups with her brain. A thin stream of blood ran down her temple. She watched as it slowly ran down her chin and dribbled onto the rocks.

She startled, scrambling to her feet. Then she realized that she was stuck in a crevice, with her right leg stuck under a boulder. God, that was gonna be a pain to get out...

Veridia heard two voices near here, and she groaned internally. Great, they found me, she thought. But...how? She thought. There was no way to have sensed her. She was a master at cloaking spells, to the point she could cloak her magic trace so well it would take a very talented magician to detect the spell. How did they find her?

Veridia hunched down and waited for the men to come near the crevice. Once they were close, she focused on the rocks around her and turned them into a cage, sending it up to the men.

She hears them yell and curse. One of them slaps a hand down to the ground and sends a shockwave through the ground. Veridia hissed as a rock hit her arm. She heard the rock cage crack, breaking.

The men yelled to their subordinates, and the magic user slapped his palm down onto the ground. The rocks above her split open, and another rock cage came crashing down on her, trapping her. She spied twining purple veins in the rock and mentally groaned. Great, she thought, very annoyed at this point. It's a copy.

Copies are magic user's who can copy other's magic after a spell, inverting their own little twists on it-for example, the veins in the rock cage. They could only copy magic after a spell, and their spells would be significantly weaker than the spell originally cast.

Veridia grabbed her axe and started to bang it on the cage's bars, cracking a few of the bars. She swung again.

And this is where it ends!! Remember, leave a vote and some feedback!! Have a Kawaii day, meh dudes!! :>>>

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