Sasan Kingdom

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After dancing with Sinbad, I made my way to my room for the night. Jafar had informed me that we were to arrive in Sasan tomorrow so I should rest up tonight. Spending all my time fighting and then dancing tonight, my body was exhausted so I fell asleep rather quickly tonight.

Sinbad's POV

Tonight was the most exciting night I have had in a long time. Y/N was such an amazing fighter and was actually able to beat me. That's the first time I had ever lost using a djinn equip. Then her wish to just dance with someone again, being close to her felt different than being with other girls. Her eyes lit up and I could see genuine happiness in her, like she hadn't been that happy for so long. I wonder how long she had been a slave... And what made her such a strong king's candidate with her djinns?


I woke up extra early this morning filled with the excitement of getting to see Sasan. During my travel I had heard tales of a dungeon being close to this kingdom and hopefully can see if it had been captured or not. This will be my first isolationist kingdom so I hope that it goes well for us all. 

Stepping out onto the deck, I a greeted with massive seaside cliffs that looked incredibly high. While I was admiring the cliffs, I failed to hear everyone else coming onto the deck. "Mmm morning Y/N, glad to see you up so early," Hinahoho said. "Morning Y/N I hope you are ready to help with getting a trade deal with Sasan," Jafar said. That boy is always focusing on work, I need to find a way to get his mind on some fun too. "*Yaaaawn* morning everyone is everyone ready for an adventure!" Sinbad cheered. "Morning gentlemen, this is going to be a great experience, I can feel it!" I said with a smile. All three of the boys smiled at me as we made our way to land and eventually the kingdom of Sasan.

We had arrived to the kingdom and found that many people were weary of "outsiders," it made me feel almost self-conscious seeing as though we were impure... We reached the merchant guild master of Sasan and were denied access to trade, because we didn't see their religion as Riem did. Sinbad pushed the guild master until he gave in that the only way we could get access is if we talked to the Knight King Darius. Soon enough, almost too coincidentally, the Knights of Sasan came riding through with the King. Sinbad made several attempts to talk to the King, much to Jafar and my dismay, only to be blocked and locked out of the castle gate. "Sin were never going to get anywhere if you keep being so forward like that. We need to plan everything out," Jafar explained. That got Sinbad to stop and think for a minute, "Hmm you know what? You're right Jafar, why don't we get Y/N to try and seduce the king!?" Sinbad suggested. "WHAT!?!?!" I yelled. Jafar just looked at Sinbad with a death glare. "Sin, I think you better suggest something else quick or Y/N and Jafar might actually kill you this time," Hinahoho said looking worried at Sinbad. "Um, hehe, I was just kidding!" Sinbad said running off only for Jafar and Hinahoho to run after him. I shook my head a decided I would meet up with them in a short while.

I decided I was going to walk around the city for a while and see what kind of trade these people have to offer, as well and listening for information on dungeons. While walking lost in my thoughts I failed to see a young man walking right in front of me until it was too late and we collided. "Woah, are you okay?" I asked him. He rubbed his head lightly, "Yeah I think I am okay," he said. "I am so sorry that I bumped into you," I apologized. "No no it's quite alright, really," he said stopping mid sentence, taking a good look at me up and down, "wow, really beautiful," he whispered to himself, not realizing I could hear him still. "Excuse me?" I questioned. "Uh nothing! Anyway, what's your name, I don't think I caught it," he quickly responded. "Oh it's Y/N, and what's your name?" I asked. "I'm Mystras! It's a pleasure to meet you," he said smiling. "Nice to meet you as well," I returned the smile. "I don't think I have ever seen you here before, are you a traveler?" Mystras asked. I nodded, "Yes, me and my companions are staying at a place just down the road from here, would you like to come meet them?" I offered. He quickly jolted up and came with me to meet up with Sinbad and the others.

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