Applying that, I started to search for different universities that specialised in the performing arts. There weren't many close to where I lived now but they were all around Tokyo. But then I have to think about money and applying. I do have my CV but it's in English, not Japanese. Gosh, this is harder than I expected.

I sighed as I leaned my elbow onto my right arm rest, readjusting my back to the right side. I tapped my foot a bit, scrolling through the list of website links. I took a careful notice of each of them and saved some of the pages to look back on later.

As the bus rattled, I yawned while nearly letting my phone slip out of my hands. Thankfully it didn't but my grip loosened quite a bit. It was relaxing in the bus - many of the boys were knocked out and asleep, or had a low level of chatter. I took control of my breathing, feeling a wave of sleepiness overcome me. My eyelids felt heavy, but I tried my best to keep them wide open. Many methods like blinking, turning my phone's brightness to max, rubbing my eyes but the yawns would break through. Before I knew it, my eyes would shut and whenever the bus would jolt, I would wake up.

Third Person's POV

However, within those few seconds, she had dozed off. Her whole body relaxed and her hand holding her bright phone had slowly went down to her lap, mid scroll. She was still leaning out towards the aisle, but it was soon to change when the bus made a hard right, causing her body to veer towards the left.

Kenma felt a sudden gentle press against his arm and he looked to see Mai had fallen asleep besdie his arm. Though he didn't mind, he readjusted to make her neck feel comfortable whilst also placing her jacket onto her lap to make sure she doesn't get cold. But doing so, he was able to see her lit up phone still on in her hands. Slightly curious, he put his own phone away and carefully pried the phone out of her hands to turn it off. Just before he did, he saw how she was looking for universities in Japan. It reassured him but made him tense.

'At least she isn't leaving Japan,' He thought as he turned off the phone and placed it into her jacket pockets, 'but it does mean I'll have to be away from her again. If Mai and Tetsurō leave to university next year, I'll actually be alone... Please Mai, just hold off for a year and we'll go to university together...'

Kenma sighed at his own thoughts, trying to wave off his doubts. He wanted to focus on what's happening in the present and try not to indulge too much on the future. It seemed like Mai was comfortable so he kept his position, watching how calm and unbothered she looked.

Slowly, but nervously, he brought her slightly closer to him so her whole head was resting on top of his shoulder. Because the two were seated in the back, he hoped nobody would notice this. His right arm that adjusted her was now wrapped around the back of her waist, so he could lean his head on top of hers. What he didn't realise himself was that he was drowsy and was very close to falling asleep too.

It was the perfect scenario in anyone's head - having someone who you hold very dear to fall asleep on your shoulder. It really felt perfect...

"Psst- Kuroo-" Yaku poked a finger through the seats to alert the captain. In response Tetsurō turned around with an annoyed expression to see Yaku pointing towards the back. "You're sister and Kenma is-"

"Let them be!" Tetsurō hissed back as he saw everyone staring at the two. Many would've mistaken them for a couple, him included. "But.. When we get back, make sure everyone gets a picture and sends it to me. It's the most perfect blackmail material I have ever witness."


Just as the bus came to a stop, everyone was quietly rushing to get their phones out and take even more photos. Though many videos were made during the bus ride back but somehow the two sleeping didn't budge. The first one to get out of their seat was, of course, the brother and best friend. He made sure to take pictures because in all honesty, he found it really cute. After taking enough blackmail material, he silently shooed everyone off the bus. Many tripped over each other, trying to get out. Or in other terms, Yamamoto was definitely tripping on how Kenma was able to score the sleeping Mai.

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