Chapter 1: Mikasa residence *

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Visiting hours came to a end for the day, so it was my time to go back to the village. Though the jar, Pandora, and the demons are gone, I still exist on this plane of existence without fading and becoming invisible. I suppose the jar only sealed away the ones that were affected by the corruption or something. Feels damn good, regardless, to be with the humans. I can eat, drink, and do everything a human can do! However, it's gonna be a fairly big adjustment on both sides because now folktale demons and monsters now exist with humans, but only the good kind.....which is only me, teguma, and hikaru oddly....

Eventually, I'd find myself traversing through the bamboo forest, reaching the village of the inarians. Very high tech people they are, having electrical force fields to protect the borders, wind turbines and solar panels for energy, and even Megatron TVs, but still retain a tribal-like society. Everyone wore kimonos and other common Japanese garments that are a teensie bit out of date fashion wise, but damn the girls here looked stunning in em here!

Inarian girls are so friggin hot too! The tails, the voluptuous breasts, the cute ears, and their alluring gaze! From what San has told me however, all that goes out the window when mating season comes around. They then become animals and attack any male they find healthy or appealing, on sight sexually. Sorta like every rose has thorns, except these roses turn into horny venus fly traps! It's nuts but, my kind of crazy.

When I arrived to the mikasa house, I seen Hikaru playing with dolls on the front porch. When she seen me, her face lit up and came running towards me.

"Eyyyy if it isn't my lil Popsicle buddy!" I said as I knelt down a bit and opened my arms for her.

"Uncle Sven!! " she said as she leapt in my arms and hugged me.

To be honest, I was bracing myself to have my tail frozen off, however that wasn't the case. I noticed she was wearing something under her kimono, like a suit of sorts.

"What ya wearing there kiddo? Looks friggin cool! "

"Some of the villagers made a special body suit just for me! It retains my cold temperatures within the suit, so I can give hugs and not make people chilly hehehehe! "

"What about the sun and hot temperatures? "

"Oh! It retains all my cold temperatures in the suit, that way I won't get hot and get sick! I can be cool alllll year round! I gotta be cool, I'm the coolest, adorablest knight ya know and I can't be sick either! In case bad guys and scary monsters shows up! " she said, striking a prideful pose.

"Hahaha you crack me up!...... They're still inside huh? "

Her glowing smile immediately fell as she looked to the ground. She brought her hands to her back and kicked the ground lazily like kids do when they're upset.

"I've been living with auntie kikko and her kids...... Momma and sissy won't even answer me when I knock.... I'm very sad.... " she said on the verge of crying.

"Eyyyyy don't be crying on me, uncle Sven will solve all of this! Just you watch! " I said, stooping over and rubbing her head. She smiled a bit and nodded.

I walked over to the door and knocked.

"Ey! It's sven, ya neighborhood lizard demon guy! I wanna talk to ya! " I shouted politely.

No response from the other side. I knocked again.

"Come on, Hikaru wants inside! She misses y'all and kinda is supposed to live here! "

No response, this made me pretty mad.

"Ey! You should be visiting san as well! What's up with that!? "

"Uncle sven... "

"Not now Popsicle.... EY, OPEN YA DAMN DOOR!! "

I've lost it now, guess I've gotta do it the hard way....

I light a whisper wood twig and puffed on it a bit to get the smoke started. Ami found a way to where I can make a small indoor tree in my room so I'd never run out. That girl is a friggin genius, damned shame she's single, hell I'd jump at her if I could.

Once I got the smoke started, I made the fumes slip into the locks. Feeling for the tumblers, I popped each and every one of em open. On the second lock, it was electronic so I'd have to snip some wires and replace her lock when I have the money for one. After snipping the wires, I went for the third and final lock, undoing the latch.

Hikaru was standing there listening to the pops and sliding of the locks as I worked. She thought I was the coolest person on the planet, next to san of course.

Once everything unlocked, I twisted the knob and opened the door. It's everything I expected it to be, the house was a mess. Lil Popsicle held onto my shirt tail as we walked around looking for them.

Dishes are piled up, the floors are dirty, claw marks on the walls, and strangest of all, all the pictures and photos were missing. We made our way upstairs and found a truly disturbing sight.....

Tomono and Katsumi, sitting together in San's old room, surrounded by photos and the stench of poor hygiene. They even had his baby clothes in their arms.

"Oh my god you two..... You're a mess alright..... " I said shocked.

"M-mommy? S-sissy?..... " said Hikaru about to cry.....

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