•|| part 18

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"Far... Far" Aku truskan berjalan tnpa mengendahkan suara yg memanggil ku and Brandon berdiri depan aku. "Far... R u really okay?" Soal nya and aku garu kepala aku yg tk gatal. "I'm fine. Why?" Kata aku ringkas and Brandon memegang kedua-dua bahu aku. "You're my cousin. And I know if you're acting weird. Come on far, you know you can trust me right?" Kata Brandon and aku geleng. "I don't have nothing to share" Aku cuba untuk berjalan tp Brandon block my way. "Far, please." Katanya dgn wajah sayu and aku mendengus. "Fine... 7 p.m. I will pm you the location." Kata aku and trus berjalan untuk menahan grab. Yeah.. Maybe aku tk boleh nak ego sgt. Maybe aku perlukan seseorang untuk meluah.


"Far, what's wrong? Setahu I, my cousin is not like this." Katanya and aku minum orange juice aku. "And... What with the ring? Are you engage?" Soalnya and aku menyorokkan cincin tu. "I..." Aku gagap and Brandon tgk aku. "I been forced. To engage. With afif shahmin." Kata aku laju and Brandon nmpk shock sbb dia kenal sape afif. "The one who rejected you when you're form 2? What.... " Katanya and aku mengangkat bahu. "I thought you and the famous gamers, apip-" Tambahnya and aku mengeluh. "I wish... I am with him. But..." Aku menongkat dagu aku.

Brandon : why don't you bangkang your parents decision?

Far : you think I don't try? I tried... But I feel bad for mami.

Brandon : you can't let your parents forced you to engage with people you don't love.

Far : I know.. But I just can't... And... I don't know why.. But I can't said anything honest about my feelings. I felt sorry for afif. I didn't meant to play with his feelings. But I just can't...

Brandon : oky oky chill.. So do you love anyone? Or do you have boyfriend?

Far : *silent for a few minutes* actually.. I fall for someone...

5 days after

"Hey guysss! Miss me?!" Jane masuk ke dlm bilik kerja membuatkan aku and theo terkejut dan menyambut baik kedatangan nya. "JANEE! YOU'RE BACK" kata theo lantas memeluk jane. "With a new seri on wajah k" Kata jane smbil tersenyum. "Bagus la kalau mcm tu." Kata aku smbil thumbs up. "Btw, far... Psl haritu.. Sorry tau susahkan kau. And sorry jugak sbb husband aku insult kau. Sorry sgt²..." Kata jane smbil memegang dua-dua tgn aku. "Halah.. Tkde pape la... Terasa ket² je" Kata aku and jane senyum. "Oky memandangkan, harini aku dh sihat, lunch harini aku belanja" Kata jane and kitaorang theo yeay! Suddenly. . . Ip theo berbunyi.

Theo : HAI NICH! *video call*

Nich : hai theo! Hai girls! *lmbai*

Far & jane : *waveback*

Nich : hey I just wanna said, jane are you okay? I heard you accident 5 days ago and lost your baby. I'm really sorry for your lose.

Jane : nah.. It's okay. Maybe not my rezeki yet. I accept my faith nich. Thankyou btw cause you're really caring though. *smile*

Nich : I'm really busy nowadays. And arwen also invite I pegi reunion squad kite. Hey I will join it guys! Really miss you guys a lot *acah² nangis*

Far : heyyy dh jd lawyer ye kwn kite skang

Nich : ehh mcm mana tahuuu

Far : ehh saya ni kan spy tk berbayar. *gelak*

Nich : okay got to go. You guys take care okay. Haihh this day is really dangerous. Hope you guys doing fine!

Theo : we will!

Far : bye nich! Take care and fighting!

Jane : byeee!

End call

"Eh nich makin hensem la" Kata aku smbil tersenyum. "Kannn so bergaya and hensem" Smbung theo and jane gelak. "Biasala lawyer kan" Kata jane. Tiba-tiba... Hakeem muncul kan diri depan pintu kerja kitaorang.

Theo : h-hakeem... What are you doing here?

Hakeem : babe, I came to see you for a while. May i?

Theo : oh yes ... Let's go outside *smile*

Far : *jeling hakeem*

Theo : *perasan far jeling hakeem* eh far... Kenapa tgk org mcm tu?

Far : *geleng* nothing actually... Dh la.. Nak smbung work..

Jane : aik... Tk silap aku. Aku nmpk dia jeling si hakeem... Gaduh lagi la tu *angkat bahu*

Aku memikirkan pasal hakeem yg aku duga curang belakang theo


Far : dan kau nak tau tk? Aku tgk serabut psl hakeem jugak ni.

Brandon : hakeem? Who is hakeem?

Far: halah... Tunang si theo tu

Brandon : lah.. Kenapa ? Terlalu hensem?

Far : ew... Kau tau tak dia tu annoying. And aku syak dia curang. Aku tknk la bersangka buruk. Just aku mmg ade perasaan yg dia mmg buat mcm tu.

Brandon : kau ade bukti?

Far : ade.. Cuma tak cukup kukuh... Like, who tf check in hotel , selama seminggu with a girl?!

Brandon : girl? Maybe cousin dia?

Far : yo Brandon... Kalau ye pun tu cousin dia, in one room? Can you imagine that?

Brandon : maybe... Connected room?

Far : ni la sbb aku mls sgt² nak ckp ngn kau *geram + mengeluh*

Brandon : oky, sorry. . Just nak bersangka baik je. *scratch back neck*

Far : tau... Tp aku ni seorang kawan... Aku syak. Aku ade feel yg dia tu curang.

Suddenly. . . Aku nmpk, hakeem limpas dgn memegang pinggang seorang pompuan. Aku trus tgk straight ke Brandon, takut² dia ternampak aku and aku bagi signal mata kat Brandon. "Tula hakeem" Kata aku separuh bisik and Brandon tgk psgn tu dgn fokus. Aku sepak kaki Brandon tk kuat and Brandon mengerang kesakitan.

Brandon : auch! Tu untuk ape?!

Far : kau tgk diaorang mcm tu mmg la boleh kantoi

Brandon : *muncung* yela sorry.

Far : see.. Tu la perempuan yg dia check in kat hotel time tu. Sama aku ingat lagi.

Brandon : lol.. You sure? Then tell theo la bout that *sips orange juice*

Far : I really wanted to tell her... But I just can't.

Brandon : far, if you don't tell her now, she will feel more pain if she know it later. You must tell her.

Far : I'm not brave enough Brandon. I mean, kalau aku bagitau ni.. BOOM dia akan rasa sedih...

Brandon : tell her now, let her accept the truth. You know what, you're too kind. I mean... Kau tk boleh trus menipu. I mean, apip... Afif... Theo... You can't continue the lie. Itu akan makan diri kau satu hari nanti.

Far : aku tk tau. Aku buntu...

End flashback

"Far? Let's go lunch" Jane mengetuk meja aku slow² and aku senyum and mengangguk sekali. "Kau daydream ape? Smpai aku masuk pun tk perasan" Soal jane and aku fake smile. "Tkde ape la. Hal² yg aku nak buat lps ni" Tipu aku...

Bersambung. . .

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