10: losers indeed

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seriously?! the pizza joint?

"you love pizza, don't try to protest." seungcheol points to chan as they walked to the counter to order. both of them weren't a hawaiian pizza person, so they ordered pepperoni.

"how'd you know?" chan asked, after they ordered. he sits on the chair opposite of seungcheol. chan plays with the tissue dispenser.

"hey, we spent our whole highschool and college life around each other. we're also in the same circle of friends, even though we're mot really friends," seungcheol says, looking at his calloused hands. "i'm hungry. oh shit."

"oddly, it feels a little nice to know that you know my preferences..." chan said truthfully, staring at his lap, deep in thought. he snaps back to reality when a waitress came and served their food. "ooh, thanks!"

"i get half of the pizza." seungcheol wipes his greasy mouth with tissue, pointing at chan after. "dibs."

"whatever you say. i can't finish a whole pizza anyway." chan says. "okay, i lied. let's order another pizza." seungcheol laughs at the younger and calls a waitress. their second round of pizza came after a few minutes.

"this is honestly the best meal i've ever had." chan remarks, giggling before he drunk his cup of water. "mainly because you're paying."

"oh! eat shit!" seungcheol points at chan, while the latter only laughs. "i'm glad you don't like hawaiian too, because if you did? i might've pulled out a gun and killed you."

chan laughs harder, infecting the older with his contagious happiness. kinda like a sunshine, if you want to put it in an easier way.

the two were busy laughing hard at their stupid and (actually) unfunny jokes, shoving pizza slices inside their mouths, bantering, looking back on the crazy things they did for jeonghan's love. then it started raining.

seungcheol stops laughing, and looks outside. "it'd been so long since i've witnessed a downpour that didn't seem so gloomy at all." the fashion designer softly smiles, watching the drops of water fall on the cemented ground, making a 'plop!' sound profusely as the rain got heavier. "i've always wanted to dance in the rain with jeonghan. it seemed so romantic in the films and books."

"oh, me too. but jeonghan's taken," chan was still beet red from laughing, ripping his gaze away from seungcheol to the scene outside. "and now we're hanging out together. losers indeed."

seungcheol chuckles softly. "hey, we can be losers together, right?" the choreographer looks at seungcheol again, and nodded slowly. he was unsure of what seungcheol meant. "then let's dance in the rain!"

"why didn't you say so earlier?!" chan immediately runs out of the pizza joint, and a worried seungcheol trails after him. "HAHAAAAA!" the younger shouts, standing in the middle of the empty road. he starts dancing one of his complicated trap music choreographies.

seungcheol panics, awkwardly dancing some sort of basic move that he managed to execute in an attention-seeking move. chan stops dancing and laughs at the latter instead, resulting to a pouty seungcheol. "whatever! your fashion sucks anyway!"

chan starts dancing again. "quits! i have bad fashion taste, you have bad dance moves. equal judgement!"

"i don't think that's what 'equal judgement' is supposed to mean!"

the two laugh heartily, still dancing stupidly under the rain, in the middle of the empty road. felt weird to dance in the rain with your rival whose guts you hated so much. felt weird, to actually feel happy while having pointless conversations and rhetorical questions. felt weird to laugh so hard like they've never laughed their whole life.

"okay, much to my disappointment, the rain stopped." seungcheol shakes his head, water droplets from his soaked hair sprinkling everywhere. "i can't get sick anyway. hey, mind if i take a shower at your place?"

"you're using all my privileges and i'm not even that well-off." chan says, heading to seungcheol's car. seungcheol followed. "fuck you."

"fuck you too." seungcheol flashed chan a forced smile, driving into the road carefully. chan combs his wet hair using his fingers, sighing.

"god. if i get sick, two kpop groups will be mad at me."

seungcheol blew a raspberry. "if i get sick, i won't be able to finish the new collection i have for jinyoung's brand." seungcheol added, "i also won't be able to attend the blind date i have tomorrow."

chan gasped, making seungcheol turn to the younger with a confused expression for a short while. "what?! that's bonkers! tinder, i bet?"

"give me my money," seungcheol chuckled. "omegle."

at that, chan groaned, hitting the dash. seungcheol worried about his car. "fuckin' hell! i never knew you were the one for these kinds of stuff! i mean, i thought you preferred meeting personally at first, and then just like—woah. you surprised me. man or woman?"


"wow. you want a pussy."

seungcheol and chan laughed again, very happy with just their 12-year-old humour. deep inside, both of them knew that this day felt a little too special. if chan was given the chance to change fate, making him and seungcheol meet on good terms(without the whole jeonghan ordeal) and experience bliss like this with him much earlier, chan would take it.

he would pick meeting seungcheol on good terms, than pickinga happy ending with jeonghan. chan didn't know why.

"we're here." seungcheol halts the car, stepping off to get inside chan's apartment building. "come on, walk faster!"

"jesus, i'm coming!" chan groaned, slamming seungcheol's car door behind him. "it's because you kept on dallying with me."

"dallying?!" seungcheol asked, erupting into laughter.

"you even insult my choice of words!"

"fuck you!"

"yeah, fuck you too!"

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