Chapter 11 | Djinn

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Geralt POV

Geralt kept stroking the back of Jaskier's neck with his thumb, letting his arm relax as the man moved. When he returned to leaning their foreheads against each other, staring into Geralt's eyes, Geralt found himself staring back into blue orbs. There were tear tracks running down Jaskier's face, and he loosened the hand behind his head. 

Geralt brought that hand out front and slowly wiped what was left of Jaskier's tears away. It wasn't all that effective, but it was a small comfort, at least to Geralt. He closed his eyes and gave himself one more long, soft exhale before lifting his head and creating distance between himself and Jaskier again. Geralt's eyes went to the box.

"We need to deal with that." He nodded towards it. Geralt let the hand that had been stroking Jaskier's cheek slide down his face, stroking his jaw and neck as he trailed it off his shoulder, smoothing down the man's damp arm until he came to his wrist. He lifted it, eyes finding the pale white lines that hadn't yet faded. 

"And this. What do you want me to do?" He didn't want another situation like today, he really didn't, but Geralt also recognized that he was to protect his client. His contract never specifically said 'from himself', but Geralt read between the lines and made his own judgement. He was willing to trust Jaskier, he had to, but if things turned ugly Geralt wasn't going to hesitate to act.

Julian POV

Jaskier hummed lightly as he felt Geralt move away but as soon as he felt his hand trailing of Jaskier shoulder and down his arm, he caught the glimpse that Geralt gave his arm, it was to be expected as he did just spill some of his guts to Geralt. Jaskier gave a light-hearted laugh at Geralt, ignoring the comment about the box for now. 

"Well um, I think while I'm as I am that you should keep them but please, before moving stuff, come and ask me. I-I won't react as I did before, it was disgusting and yes I am apologising again. But I really need a shave, I feel too overdressed with my stubble." he admitted a little while trailing his hand down Geralts chest and down his abdomen.

Jaskier took to Geralt now that their bodies had separated slowly. He stared at the man, blinking a couple of times, trying to read him at the same time as thinking of what to say. Then he remembers it's probably best he face what he was avoiding.

"We should um go to see the police or call them in." he said as he cleared his throat "I know one of the detectives, she helped me out. She said that if there was a second case of something of the like happening she'd get her team to do it no matter what. Guess we should just pray for that to be true." he said with a raised eyebrow as he spoke, thinking of what she could do with such a shitty police team.

But even if that weren't to happen, she tried. If the police just told them to go away and not be in contact with me from the events in which they nearly raped him and ended up creating a mental disorder, well mental disorders considering.

He smiled a little at Geralt, those eyes. God's they were like a celestial sea. He opened his mouth to say something. Anything really, as per usual. But the feeling of material that clung to him, peeling away and falling to the ground made his parted lips stop in their tracks and a very hot warmth coming up his necks, lightly reddening his chest as well and his cheeks. Well, they were of fire.

His hands instantly went to catch the material but it fell to the floor in a heavy sloshy thud. Jaskier forgot that was kinda looking like a drowned rat. The best thing that he could do was cover himself using his hands as he overly blue eyes, in contrast with his reddened cheeks, looked at Geralt in a rushed manner.

"T-Turn around!" he exclaimed rather hurriedly but he didn't yell. He was far too embarrassed, his voice cracking as he announced his request towards him.

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