Day 2

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" I can't believe it...the rumors are true.
I'm writing this in a coffee shop at the moment and I cannot believe my eyes. I heard the door and I saw them...I'm going to call them flower... she looked at me. Díos mío she's coming over here...uh I'll write in this later."

I look over and see flower staring into my soul. As if she knows I'm writing on her and the other assassins. She sits down at my table and just looks at me. Staring intensely, I feel like she's silently judging me. " what brings you to Detroit?" She asks. I was confused why was she talking to me of all people? Okay weird. " umm well you all..."
She just looked at me. " you mind telling me your name?"

" we had a pretty lengthy conversation. Hopefully I run into her again. After she left she just disappeared I have no idea where to find her...this is going to be interesting.
I'm enjoying my time in Detroit. Pretty think this is the car capital...well used to be...this state is sort of getting out of hand...I've heard stories about how divided it is but this is crazy...I guess I can talk to you tomorrow then...I know you'll be waiting...I'm off to bed..


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