Chapter 6 - The Sleepover

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Ana's P.O.V

We stopped off at the supermarket before we went back to Luke's. He was waiting for me in the car, checking his Twitter no doubt. I was rushing around the shop grabbing all sorts of sweets, crisps and chocolate. I know its so unhealthy but after today I guess I need all this sugar, and so does Luke. I throw chocolate and vanilla tubs of ice cream into the shopping cart, whilst thinking of which movies I'd make him watch on Netflix. I get to the checkout and I'm served by a young girl, no older than 19. She stares at me, and I become self-conscious. Is my hair a mess? Have I got a spot?

"I'm sorry" the young girl says. "I can't help but notice that you're that girl that is with Luke Hemmings all of the time, the boy from the Australian boy band?" I hesitate, still packing the shopping. " do you know that?" I ask her. "Its all over Twitter, do you not check your account often?" Actually I don't check it often. I haven't checked it in months. I've been soo busy I've forgotten. Mental note to self, check that soon. "No, sorry I don't. Give me your username and I'll give you a shout out for being soo cool about the Luke thing". She smiles. Her smile from ear to ear. Bless the girl. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Her eyes start to well up with tears. "That will be 11 pounds 59 pence" she manages to get out. I give her the money and tell her to keep the change. If I'm getting recognized at my local supermarket by a worker, I best get home before I get recognized again, but by a fan.

I bundle the bags into the boot of the car, making Luke jump out of his seat. I jump into the passenger seat next to him and quickly explain what had happened. He looks about himself and starts the car, reversing out of the parking bay. He changes gear and as fast as he can, he starts to drive us to his house. I watch him in silence, I see the fear and panic leave him as the distressed look leaves his face and his body is less tense.

I pull out my phone from my pocket and hit the Google search bar. I quickly type in Twitter, to see what this girl's fussing about, and to also tweet her like I had promised. I type in my user, '@Niallsfutureprincessx.' and I leave my phone to load up my profile. My Twitter notifications are blowing up! So much I need to put my phone on silent. "Why's your phone going mad babe?" Luke asks. "Have you mentioned me on Twitter at all? Its just I've got like 19k followers in 2 months. And the mentions and DM's are in the thousands too. This is unbelievable Luke" I tell him. "I've mentioned you in a few tweets, nothing much, just a few pictures of us and you sleeping a couple times. Is twitter really going that crazy?" He asks, sounding concerned. "Yeah, it really is" I say. I lock my phone and put it in my pocket as we park in Luke's drive way. I grab bags of shopping as Luke grabs the rest and locks the car. He runs up to the door and unlocks it, letting me in before him. Such a gentleman. I take the food into the kitchen, as I know where everything goes by now. I keep some sweets out and take them into the living room, where I find Luke putting on his Netflix.

Its finally movie time!

I force Luke to watch the twilight saga with me, and I even see him shed a tear when Edward Cullen and his wife Bella got to live happily ever after with their daughter Renesmeè for eternity. He's such a big softie really. I tell Luke I need pjamas if I'm going to stay the night, so he tells me to go get anything from his room whilst he clears up a little and makes us a hot chocolate.

I run up to his huge wardrobe full of many clothes and shoes. I pick out some of his grey joggers and his grey Nirvana hoodie. I have totally nicked this hoodie when I leave here. I giggle to myself at the thought of stealing another of Luke's hoodies, but I know he doesn't mind really. I put them on, both being too big for me as he's so much taller than me. I put on his spongebob squarepants slippers because I think they're cute, although I know I'll take them off in a while. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, joining Luke. I lean against the side, opposite him. He's too busy looking the other way making our drinks. I frown, but an idea pops onto my head. What if I pose like a Vogue model to make him laugh? Yeah I'm gonna do that. I put one leg up against the cabinet and the opposite hand behind my head while pouting and giggling. He turns around and spills into a fit of laughter, nearly spilling the drinks everywhere. He puts them down so he doesn't drop them and I ask if I'm any prettier. He shakes his head, grabs my waist and pulls me into a tight hug, with my face buried into the crook of his neck. This is really easy as I'm short. He kisses my forehead and I kiss his nose, like the little cuties we are. I poke my finger into the whipped cream off my hot chocolate and wipe it on his nose. Oh here it comes.

I try to turn and run but he pulls me back, wiping cream on my cheek. I frown at him with my puppy dog eyes, which normally work on him. He pulls me in for a hug and I wipe his nose clean from the cream using a cloth. Like the idiot he is, he licks the cream off my face like a dog would. I wipe his saliva off my cheek and take my hot chocolate to the living room. He knows just how I like my hot chocolate. He joins me and I rest my head in his lap, my legs in the air at the opposite end of the sofa. I check my Twitter again, because Luke has put on an old war film, which I have no interest in. I read tweets from fans. Some are sweet girls asking me if they could ship Luna, luke and my "couple" name. 'Luna' has become a huge trend on Twitter actually. There have been pictures of us taken when we were out together taken secretly. Like when Luke and I went to Costa together and he held my hands because they were cold. Its weird how some fans can send me hate for apparently "dating" Luke. By the way, they call him "theirs". Luke isn't a worldwide possession. He's a human being. He looks down at me smiling, I look back up with a smile playing on my lips. His smile alone makes me want to smile, not forgetting his beautiful eyes or cute dimples, or even that lip piercing that drives me crazy. I keep going back to these fangirling moments, where reality hasn't really hit me and I feel its all just a dream. I look back at my Twitter and read through the hate. "She should die", "She doesn't deserve him", "He's mine", "She's ugly", "She needs plastic surgery".  The list goes on, its never-ending. As I put the phone down I sit up. Luke looks at me confused. I smile and go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror at myself. The fans are right. What does Luke see in me? Why couldn't I be better looking, even if all I'll ever be is a friend? I let out a long sigh before returning with a fake smile.

"Can we go to bed Luke? I'm tired" I tell him. "Of course" he says turning off the TV. The silly boy even came up behind me and picked me up bridal style, taking me up to his bed. He puts me down on the bed and covers me over, before joining on the other side. I snuggle up to him, his arms around me in a tight embrace and my head against his chest. I can hear his heart beating. He kisses my head and I fall asleep listening to the pounding of his heart....


Small authors note, this has taken me about an hour to write and I have a feeling there will be spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes. When I get time I will fix them. Please comment, follow my twitter and ask anything. DM me if you have to, @tifferz1 thanks for the reads. Hole you like it so far. T xx

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