Chapter 4 - Coffee Shop

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I walk down the road with thoughts running through my mind. Its really cold out like it always is here. I put Luke's hoodie on. It smells soo good, just like him! I reach the corner of the street and just stand there. I see Calum outside Costa, waiting for me. He keeps checking his phone. What is he waiting for? Its not like I'll text him to say I'm not coming. I realise I've been standing there observing him for about 5 minutes so I slowly start to walk towards him. He notices me and his worried look is replaced with a smile. He looks genuinely happy.

We get inside and order our drinks. As usual I order a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. We sit down at a booth next to the window. I stare at a smudge on the window as Calum starts talking.

"Ana, we need to talk about something. I really miss you. We hardly ever talk and id love to be your best friend. I know I could never replace Luke but I'd like to mean a lot more to you than just Luke's band mate. You mean a lot to me and I'd like to make you happy..." He trails on and I listen intently to his feelings.

Luke's POV

I park my car outside Costa, ready to pick up a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows ready to go and surprise Ana with a lazy day at hers, but I see something. Something that shatters my heart into a million pieces. She's with him?! Why him of all people? Why would he do this to me knowing how I felt about her? I know he had feelings for her but I thought he really liked Lacey... I need to leave! I start the engine, unable to tear my eyes from the heartbreaking sight. I turn away with a tear lingering in my eye. I wipe it away and drive towards her house. Would I really sit outside waiting for her if she's on a date with Calum? Well I need to find out why he'd do this so yeah, I'm going to wait!

Annalise's POV

"Calum, we're friends. I know that's not what you want to hear but its all we'll ever be. You know I don't see you that way. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to be heading home". I stand up, tossing my cup into the bin beside us. "I'll walk you" he says with a smile. Does he not feel a little embarrassment already? We walk towards my house and I stop outside. Luke's car! I smile like never before, my Lukey is here. Calum realizes and loses his smile. Luke gets out of the car, his eyes red and puffy like he'd been crying. "Luke, are you okay?!" I ask. "Lets go inside. Calum, inside. Now." He says bluntly. What's going on?!

I'm sorry this is a relatively short chapter. Haven't had much time to write. I hope you like it and can you comment to give me tips maybe? Any spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes will be corrected at a later date. Appreciate it all. Thanks, T xx

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