Part 1

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Key so you know whos who:

Jiro: "{Hi}"

Denki: "-Hi-"

Shoto: "|Hi|"

Momo: "Hi"

Text: Hi


Momo's POV

I remember the first time we met.... 19th of March, Shoto had dragged me to a concert and we ended up late. We walked in the door just as she got up onto the stage, Her face beaming with joy. "|Fuck we missed it, let's leave|" Shoto gabbed my arm as he tried to pull me away but I stayed put "Can we stay a little longer?".

Hours went by before she finished her set, She smiled "{Thanks for sticking around!}". As we started to walk out of the crowed I noticed the stand that was set up by the exit. There she sat, chatting to one of the other band members. I grabbed Shoto's arm and pulled him over towards the stand, "H-Hi". She turned to face me and smiled that beautiful smile "{Hey, You enjoy the show?}", I nodded "Y-Yea you guys where awesome!".                                                                                    The other guitarist picked up a CD and chucked it my way, I caught it sloppily. The girl pulled out a pack of cigarettes "{I've never seen you around before, new here?}". Before I could respond Shoto did the honours "|Momo's just not the one to party, She's more into studying|", I felt my face flush, "{Nothing wrong with trying to get good grades}" she said as she smiled at me. "{My name is Jiro by the way and thats Denki}" Jiro pointed at the blond haired boy next to her who waved, "|I'm Shoto, This is Momo|". I smiled shyly "{Denki I'm going out for a smoke}", Denki nodded. "Could I join you?" Shoto looked at me confused, "{Of course, Follow me}". Jiro waved me over to the door and I followed, walking outside with her. Once we got to the back she pulled out a cigarette and handed it to me, I took it. "{You don't smoke, do you?}".   "W-What no I do". Jiro pointed at my hand, "{You're holding it backwards}". She took the cigarette back and lit it, taking a deep puff, "{Don't worry, You can just hang here with me}".Shoto ended up coming outside to get me, but before I left Jiro handed me a piece of paper "{Text me if you're gonna come to our next show}". I googled when their next show was on, It was in a couple of weeks.

Momo: I'll be sure to come.

Jiro: Cool, see you then. I'll bring you a cig.

I laughed, I had to be there on time.

A couple of weeks passed before the day came, I made sure I was ready and even packed an extra bottle of water with the words "From Momo" on the side of it. This time I arrived alone and was greeted by Denki waiting for me at the door, "-Yo dude, Jiro sent me to get you to your seat-". He hurried me over to the front of the stage before running off the the back. I listened to the other bands play, waiting until it was their set. Just before they came on I placed the bottle of water beside the microphone stand, The group came rushing out and the crowd went wild as she started to shred on the guitar.

I watched the full concert, starting to leave just after the last band of the night finished up playing. I was stopped at the door by a familiar voice "{Hey! Thanks for the gift}". I turned around to see Jiro smiling at me, bottle in hand "{You're a life saver!}".

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