Chapter 2: First Official Day

Start from the beginning

"There's a lot of fans outside. I should lead you guys to the car," he said. Good thing he was a big and muscular dude. Mr. Li led the way and told fans to give us some room. Good thing the fans listened. I followed the girls. I told them to be careful going down the steps and made sure all of them could get into the car safely. The girls made their way towards the van and I was behind Yu Yan. As I was walking down the stairs, I saw Yu Yan had trouble walking, and I tried to hold on to her but before I could her heel broke and she twisted her ankle.

"Oh my god! Yu Yan are you okay?" I crouched down and examined her ankle.

"Yeah, my heel just broke. It's okay I can still walk," she tried to walk but she winced at the pain.

"No this won't do. Here hop on," I bent down in front of her signaling her to hop on my back. I looked back at her and she gave me a confused look. "Hurry or we'll be late," I laughed. She hesitantly hopped on and we headed for the van. Imagine me a 5'2 manager carrying a 5'8 Yu Yan.

"Am I heavy?" she asked in my ear. I smiled. "Nope. Not at all." Once we got to the car, I checked on Yu Yan's ankle again. I took her foot and tilted it carefully from left to right. "Does this hurt?" I asked her. She nodded her head. "When we get to the next location, I'll help you out," I said as I got up to sit in the passenger seat. "Okay," she said in a small voice.

When we arrived at the venue for the interview, I told the other girls to head in first. I got out of the car and helped Yu Yan. I draped her arm over my shoulder and wrapped my arm around her waist. 'Her waist is so small,' I thought to myself. We made our way inside the venue and greeted the staff along the way. Yu Yan sat with the rest of the girls and I went off to find some ice.

I went to a nearby café and asked for a bag with ice in it. I thanked them for the ice and made my way back to the venue. Once I got there, the girls were on a break from their interview. As the girls were chit-chatting, I went up to Yu Yan and elevated her foot onto my knee. She looked at me flustered. I placed the bag of ice on her ankle. "Is it too cold?" I asked. She shook her head no. I continued to place the ice on her ankle lifting it here and there in case it got too cold for her.

"You don't have to do this. It's just a little sprain," Yu Yan assured me.

"Remember when I said I wanted to be someone you guys could depend on? I meant it. I'll take care of you guys to my fullest abilities," I gave her the brightest smile. Yu Yan smiled and ruffled my hair. When she ruffles my hair, I can't help but smile.

"Awwww, Y/N that was so sweet," Kiki patted my cheek. I smiled at her and said thank you. The girls went on with their interview. The whole day I helped Yu Yan around. Once the girls wrapped up all their schedules since it was already late, I took them home. When we reached the house, I asked that girls if they wanted to order takeout and they all agreed. I sat in the living room waiting for the food while the girls did their nightly things.

While I waited, I saw some pictures of me piggybacking Yu Yan earlier today. Some comments praised me while others questioned who I was. People said I looked more like a fan than a manager and I just laughed. I guess I don't seem like the manager type do I? While I was scrolling on my phone, I heard someone come down the stairs. I turned my head and was greeted with a smiling Kiki. She was in her little fox pajamas. 'How cute' I thought and smiled to myself.

"Why are you smiling?" Kiki smirked at me.

"Mhm? Uh, nothing," I looked away. Wow, I got caught. Great job Y/N.

"Are you mad at me?" Kiki asked with puppy eyes and pouty lips. OMG! Why is she doing this to me? Of course, I wouldn't be when you always look so cuuuute UwU.

"No. Why would you think that?" I asked  back.

"Because you didn't talk to me the whole entire day," she scooted closer and leaned her head on my shoulder. I froze. Why is she so affectionate? My heart can't handle this. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"I-I have to go get that," I quickly got up and answered the door. I accepted the food and headed towards the kitchen. "Girls! The food is here!" I yelled. All of a sudden I hear multiple footsteps come down the stairs. "Wow, that was fast. You guys must be hungry," I laughed.

"Yesss. We are starving," Shaking said. The girls and I ate and had little conversations here and there. When we got done eating, I decided to head home for the night. I waved bye to the girls and headed for the door. As I was about to walk out, someone grabbed my wrist. "Wait." I turned around and met eyes with Kiki. Wow. Her brown eyes still shine at night. "Do you need me to walk you to the car?" she asked.

"No, I'm fine. Mr. Li is waiting for me outside," I assured her.

"Are you positive?" She lightly swung my arm back and forth. I could tell she didn't want me to leave.

"Yes, Kikiii," I whined. Why am I like this? What has she turned me into? A a little kid?

"Aw, so cute like a baby," she squished my cheeks. I waved bye and headed towards the van. As I was about to open the car door, I heard a voice call out for my name "Y/N!" I turned around. Yu Yan? She limped out on her one foot. I ran up to her.

"Yu Yan?! Why did you come out? You have to rest your ankle," I said with a worried expression.

"I just wanted to thank you for today. You didn't have to carry me. You must be pretty strong," she giggled.

"Oh, it was nothing.Nothing I couldn't handle. You guys are like my older sisters; I'd do anything for you guys," I smiled. Yu Yan smiled and ruffled my hair. "So cute," I heard her whisper. I blushed. "You should head inside and get ready for bed." She nodded and made her way inside.

"Bye-bye!" Yu Yan waved. I waved back at her.

"Oh, and don't forget to put more medicine and ice on your ankle!" I called out.

"Yes ma'am," she replied with her loud soldier voice. I laughed. This girl is such a dork. I made sure she was inside the house before I left. I hopped into the van "Okay, let's go Mr. Li."

Another day awaits us.

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