sixteen: kotaro bokuto

Start from the beginning

I bit my lip, not knowing what to say. I had prepared a few plots and details I wanted to bring up, but all of that information had simultaneously ditched me, along with the knowledge I once had of social interaction. I sat there in silence, desperately trying to piece together words. 

"haiuhushagtfwdavjhio" I stated, extremely smoothly by the way. "ihudh shagysgusidhshdsuia uh" 

"I don't know what point you're trying to make here." 


it's ok, akaashi is smarter than me and he'll find a way to continue the conversation






wait no shit i forgot that I'm actually the one who started the conversation so i have to be the person to continue it 


"i d o n t k n o w e i t h e r," I coughed. I opened my mouth to say something else but nothing came out. 

There was another silence. 

"This is really awkward," Akaashi said suddenly, pursing his lips. He rubbed at his neck anxiously. 

"No shit, Sherlock," I muttered. 

"This is how I was expecting our first date to go, not our seventeenth." 

There was a small gap of quietness between us that lasted for a few seconds. I blinked, tilting my head. "...This is our seventeenth date?" 

"Yes, we had 11 dates before we started dating, then we went to the park, the mall, my house twice, then to an amusement park," the black haired male started listing places down. "...We haven't been on a date for a month." 

"Well, 7 weeks, so about a month and a half," I said quietly. "I didn't know you kept track of all our dates, Keihiji." 

"Oh, it's nothing," my boyfriend stared out the window listlessly. "7 weeks... I'm sorry for being ignorant for such a long time." 

"No, it's okay!!" I insisted. "You've always said Kenma was a big part of your life. I can understand!!!" I swallowed back my nervousness. Talking to Akaashi after a long time made my heart race.

Akaashi opened his mouth to speak, but I ended up accidentally cutting him off. 

"...I'm sorry for not visiting you!!!" I blurted out before looking down. "I had a photography job where I had to stay in Miyagi for a few weeks, so I couldn't come check on you during your breaks. But I thought you seemed like you wanted time by yourself, so I didn't end up visiting anyway. I'm sorry, baby!!!" I tried to give my best bow, but I was sitting cross-legged on the ground so it was hard. 

"No, it's completely fine!" Akaashi said immediately. "Well, I mean, it was still nice when you visited but I think it was good that I could clear my head without distracting myself with you." 

I sighed with relief. "Okay, I was scared I was doing something wrong," I grinned, letting the consolation wash over me. "Do you want to know how the job went??" 

"For sure." 

"It went terrible." 


"i- wait why-"

"i had to take pictures of these crows because some insane married couple wanted to hang framed pictures of them on the wall," I shivered. "I nearly died. You don't even understand, there were so many. They had like fucking 20." 

Akaashi blinked. "Oh. That's... interesting." 

"It was hell!" I groaned. "I mean, I liked one of them. Named Hinata, they said. Yeah, he was my favorite. 'Koshi Sugawara' and 'Daichi Sawamura.' They're weird." 

I turned to Keiji. He blinked again. I heard him mutter something under his breath: "It's a small fucking world." I didn't think anything much of it. 

Suddenly, I remembered one of the points I originally wanted to ask about. I pursed my lips. "Hey... but Keiji, you still love me, right?" 

The shorter male looked up at me. "Yes? Of course, Kotaro." 

"Okay good. I love you too." 

"I know." 

Honestly, after meeting up and making up (soon to be making out) with Akaashi, it felt as if a burden was just lifted off my shoulders. A 500 pound weight on my back was now reduced to 2 pounds, the 2 pounds being the fact that there was a spider somewhere in my apartment that I couldn't find. 

spiders are scary 

heyy its July 20. so first of all, happy birthday oikawa! we love you and your flat ass <333

second of all, haikyuu's ending, which makes me ultimately depressed. let's all be grateful that Furudate gave us such a lovely franchise to enjoy and the gayest most gorgeous characters to simp over, thank you so much! <3 i am so thankful that i came across this anime, manga, and this fandom <333

anyways, idk if i'm doing this right by asking this question here, but i have a few other story ideas i'm interested in writing after i finish this one. so i wanted to ask if you'd personally prefer an angsty bokuaka story or a fluffy daisuga one? 

thank you for reading, and i really appreciate all the votes and comments i get! i hope you're still enjoying :) 

- lexi

p.s if you're that tiny brown spider that crawled into my room an hour ago, i'd like to politely ask for you to get the fUCK out and/or jump off a cliff or else i can bet something bad will be happening to you BITCH LEAVE

thank you very much :)

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