jeez the bumps  just HAVE to say  "oh no no don't pop up when I don't have plans , pop up WHEN I GOT  SOME WHERE TO GO

Sigh fine its ok...well who am I kidding NO ITS NOT 

You know what  I'll just  wash it and hope for the best in the morning I ranted praying its gonna get smaller in the morning...

The Morning

What time it is 6am?

 Ehhh who the hell


Unknown : Do you like  sex

Yuu : Yh 

Unknown: *calls*

wtf no you finna get block


now what was I suppose to do oh wait OH SHIT TODAY'S THE WEDDING HOW CAN I FORGET MY OWN WEDDING I'm stupid af

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET DRESS"                                                                                                                             Rin kicked down my door  not only grabbing my hair  but my dick and shoot me like a ball   through the hoop in a car (what is wrong with me lord)

"Put your seatbelt on"

"pshhhhh Yolo"

"Wth are you doing " This guy really drove into a pole 

"You belongs to be flying out"

"I- Just drive their waiting:"


We listened to these song while driving :

Savage- Megan Thee Stallion

Captain Hook - Megan Thee Stallion

Gimme Chocolate -BABYMETAL



Megitsune -BABYMETAL








"are you  ready..?"


I walked down the ail with the fairy tail theme song playing meeting the brothers eyes also Karl

"Finally you are here ,Who did you pick to be your husband"

hmm ok so If I marry Reiji I would not have to cook, have a lot of kinky sex ,whips..  BUT unfortunately he would  kill me with his speeches 

if Shu was my husband I would get cuddles, cum from just seeing him sleep but unfortunately I would have to cook while he sleep all day

if sabaru was my husband I would  get posesiveness, cuteness, love and hate , Have to pay for walls

if I had to marry Laito I would have amazing sex but would have to hide all the hot guys

if ayato was my husband  I would get attitude and get annoyed but get some cuteness out of it

if kanato was my husband I would get cavities ,nose bleeds. creepy vibes and dolls

if karl was my husband I would be rich as heel, no one would mess with me,great sex, amazing food but would not  get to spend that much time with him bc of his job

"I have decided, I will marry"

Ok so im gonna hop back on my phone

so thats how it end i guess I know it was bad but i  too sleepy to process this so ill worry when I wake up again


" I choose Karl.Shu,Reiji,Subaru,Laito,Ayato and Kanato

"isnt that all us " they simultaneously sweating drop

" yesh now give me some love My feet are hurting"

| Do I care if yo wanted it to be cute yes But thats alot of work and knowing I have to get up early to wash my hair so I'm going sleep.. no  

yes the ending was terrible ik ik

im gonna drop the book after I publish this

through this journey with yall made me happy,me just dont csring, sad,loved

tbh I was now thinking "so yuu's basically dating his husband's father which is also his husband hmm that's just.....I need help " but then I was like "oh well idc" so yh

"but if I had to choose personally it would be either Karl ,shu or Subaru  bc... But besides that who would  yall marry"

ok I'm gonna just go 

thank you guys for reading the book to the end-

you don't have to follow me I mean I surely would not but if you like black butler then read "Vacation with the sakamakis " which is a black butler and dibolik lovers crossover that Im about to publish right about 

NOW ok bye love you

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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