Season 1: Saving the People who Save People Part 1

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I don't know how I landed myself in this situation. You know? The one where I'm sitting with my cousin, Alan (the insufferable twat), inside the cafeteria. In the dark. The stupid sign above the doors said Now You Die. When it should have said Know Your Diet Facts. Two people were pushed inside the room.

"Take it easy. My mom just ironed this shirt." a male voice said to the two guards that threw them in here.

"What do you think they're gonna do to us?" this was a male voice too, but much higher than the first ones.

"It says, 'Now You Die'!" the male with the lower (deeper?) voice said with a hint of panic in his voice.

"Do you think they mean you or me?" higher pitch said which sounde dlike he was on the verge of crying.

"Well it says 'you'." he obviously doesn't do well in school.

"SILENCE! You have tresspassed in my hospital," Alan said from beside me, distorting his voice with Dad's mug. I rolled my eyes. Idiot. "And for that, the punishment is..."

"Alan?" Dad's voice said, signalling he had just gotten into the cafeteria (I call it the Creepeteria, because the lunch lady always creeps).

"The punishment is Alan!" higher pitch said.

Dad turned on the lights to reveal two boys. One with darkened hair always black and the other with brown hair. Dad looked up at the sign above the door. "Stupid sign." He smacked the wall to reveal it actually said Know Your Diet Facts.

"Oh 'Know Your Diet Facts'. That's far less scary." higher pitch commented.

"Alan, what are you doing in the cafeteria?" Dad said, completely ignoring me.

"Uh, nothing Uncle Horace." Alan admitted (which was a lie).

"Is that my mug?" he asked. "Send it over."

Alan pressed his fingers to his forehead and pushed the mug towards dad with a push of a hand. I'm so glad that my only powers pertain to water. "World's Sexiest Chief of Staff and Vice Chancellor of Medical Administration. Bought this as a gas station. What are the odds?" Dad placed the mug on the table closest to him.

"I am Horace Diaz, head of this hospital. Who are you and what can you do?" dad asked the two boys.

"Well, I'm Kaz," the black haired boy picked up a napkin, "and I can do this." the black haired boy, Kaz, stuck his tongue through the napkin. Idiot.

"Anybody can do that." Kaz took the napkin away from his face. "I meant, what are your powers?"

"Oh, we don't have any powers." Kaz admitted.

"WHAT?!" Alan stood up from his seat next to me. I sighed. Here we go again. "You're Normos?! Normos can't know about Mighty Med. I'm gonna get you a normo cage." And he proceeded to stomp out of the cafeteria.

"Not so fast." Dad froze Alan just as he was about to leave the creepeteria. "The crusher is one of our most important heroes, and you saved his life. How did you know that his heart wasn't in his chest?"

'Uh, well, I thought the super gravity on Ebrion might have pulled his heart down to his feet." the higher pitched boy (still don't have a name for him yet) explained.

"Very clever. You figured that our faster than our best doctors, even Dr Brainhead, and his entire head is a brain." You don't have to remind me, dad.

"Yeah, we pretty much eat, drink, and breathe superheroes. Literally. This morning, I had a bowl of honey nut blue tornado-o's." That sounds very interesting. The cereal named after the Blue Tornado not the eat, drink, and breathe superheroes bit.

"A true fan. Love this guy! We might be able to use someone like you around here." Muffled grunting noises insured.

"What's that sound?" Kaz asked.

"Oh, right. Alan." Dad unfroze my cousin. I sighed. It was so quiet for once.

"We can't have normos here. I heard that if you touch them, your butt falls off." Alan explained as he walked over to dad.

"That's not true." Then, he looked at the two normo boys. "That's not true, is it?"

"Uh, no." the brunette boy said with little to no feeling in his voice.

"Good. Because without a butt, what would I shake on the dance floor?" of course, dad's mindset would be geared towards that area.

"So, you want us to work here?" brunette boy asked dad.

"Not us. You. Your friend over there seems a bit... off." Dad said, and we all looked over at Kaz.

Kaz had put on a bracelet. "I wonder what this button does." he pushed it and his arm turned into a chainsaw. He screamed and pressed the button to turn his arm back into an arm from its chainsaw state. "That was... awesome."

"I think he just proved my point." Dad said to the normo boy. "You with me. You... do you happen to know if you take a small or medium normo cage?" That's not creepy at all, dad.

"What... whoa, whoa. I wanna work here, too. I know just as much about superheroes as he does. Right, Oliver?" so the brunette boy's name is Oliver? I'll have to make a note of that. "Back me up."

"Yeah, Kaz is great. And, well, we kinda come as a package deal." Oliver told dad.

"Okay, I'll give you boys a trial run." Dad told them.

"Yes! We get to work with real superheroes!" the boy, Oliver, cheered.

"Yeah, man, I can't wait to tell Gus and Jordan about this place." Cue the spit take if I had anything to spit out.

"Are you crazy?! You can't tell anyone about Mighty Med! It's a top secret hospital!" Alan scolded them.

"Alan, stop interrupting. Are you crazy?! You can't tell anyone about Mighty Med! It's a top secret hospital!" You just repeated his exact words. "Another thing: if your friend here messes up, I'm holding you responsible." Fair enough. "Now, I'm going to get [Y/N] to show you around!" Dad smiled at the two of them and went to leave.

"I'm right over here, dad!" I announced my presence.

Dad looked over at me with a smile on his face. "Ah! You're so quiet, I didn't even notice you. Please, show these two boys around Mighty Med for me, won't you?" And with that Dad and Alan left the creepeteria.

"Hi, i"m [Y/N]." I walked over to the two boys and introduced myself.

"I'm Oliver and this is Kaz." Oliver explained. I just nodded at the two of them.

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