Chapter Seven

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The beautiful boy was still standing in front of me, watching me in the same careful manor that I was observing him. He was definitely way out of my league, who wants the sick dying girl anyways? "Uh, anyways, guess I should introduce myself?"cute guys says with a smile, his eyes crinkling at the edges. "I'm Andy Biersack, otherwise known as Andy Black and the lead vocalist in Black Veil Brides,"the cute guy, Andy, says. "Nice to meet you. I'm Morgan Gaskarth, Alex recently adopted me,"I said softly.

"Well, what are you doing on the bus all alone?"Andy asks. "I dunno, I figured I would wait until later to see the guys' show. I've never been to a festival or concert before,"I explained. "Slip on your shoes, you're coming with me,"Andy says, his lip ring glittering with his smile. I ran to the bunk area, ignoring the tightness in my chest. I coughed several times as I tried to tie my beat up black Converse. I finally managed to get my breathing regulated and stepped back out into the main living area to find Andy sitting on the couch waiting for me. 

"Are you ready?"he asked, standing up as I approached. I nodded, my chest feeling tight and my shoulder hurt a little bit too. I shook it off as nothing. "Hold on, I'm going to text Alex first so he doesn't send out a search party,"I explained to Andy. I knew that Alex would be worried, after all I have a chronic illness that will eventually kill me. I assumed Andy didn't know and for now I wanted to keep it that way because as soon as he knew, he would look at me the same way that every other cute guy would after finding out that the girl he originally liked will die young, probably before she's thirty. 

Morgan: Hey, I'm going with a guy named Andy Biersack. It's kind of a long story but I'll be back in time to see your show.

Alex: hey, I know Andy. He's pretty nice. Keep your phone on you. Be safe! Love you kiddo

Morgan: love you Lex

I looked up at Andy with a smile. "All good?"he asked. "All good!"I replied. He smiled and offered me his hand. I took it graciously as he led me off the bus. We stepped off the bus into the bright outdoors. Outside was chaos needless to say. Everywhere I looked there were tents set up and people everywhere. I felt slightly overwhelmed but when Andy looked over at me I felt myself smile and relax. He wouldn't let anything happen to me. For some unexplainable reason I held so much trust for this man I barely knew.

I felt myself losing my breath but continued to try to match Andy's pace. His legs were so much longer than mine. I didn't want to ask him to stop or slow down. I didn't want to have to explain. For once I want to feel okay, I want to be normal like other girls my age.

A man in ripped black jeans with long black hair waved at Andy. "Hey, Kellin, what's up man? We haven't talked in awhile,"Andy said. "Not much, Katelynne and I got engaged. She just hit the last trimester of her pregnancy. Who's this?"the man, Kellim, asked gesturing to me. "This is Morgan Gaskarth,"Andy introduced me. "Gaskarth? As in Alex?"Kellin asked. I nodded. "Alex adopted me a few weeks ago,"I said. "Oh cool! He's super nice, I bet he and the guys are treating you well!"Kellin said. "They are, it's been a dream so far,"I replied Kellin looked at his phone. "Alright, I better get going. I hope to see you at our set later!"Kellin said and started walking off. Andy and I waved goodbye then continued on our way.

Many people kept stopping Andy to talk and I was beginning to forget some of their names. Andy made sure to introduce me as Alex's daughter every time. I found myself smiling and laughing more than I have in a long time. Being adopted and now meeting the cute boy I'm holding hands with, it all seems to make sense now.

Before I knew it, it was time for the music to start. People were in the crowd which I was directly told to steer clear of and Alex slid a pass over my head on a lanyard. Andy and the All Time Low guys sat beside me as Ben Platt took the stage. I was immediately caught up in every part of that performance. I could feel the kick drum and the bass thudding in my chest. The crowd was screaming and I felt my heart racing with it. Before I knew it I saw several bands and now it was Andy's turn. I was immediately captivated by his amazing voice. He caught the attention of the audience too. I felt myself falling for this boy too quickly, far before I knew him or before he really knew my secret.

All Time Low was after Andy and so they swapped places. Andy was really sweaty but I didnt mind, I was grateful for the company. However, as Alex and the guys started the next song halfway through their set, my vision began to grow black as I felt that tightness in my chest and I began to pass out. "Morgan?"Andy asked. His voice was swimming in my ears. "Woah, Morgan, are you okay?!?"Andy basically shouted as I began to fall and he caught me, laying the upper half of my body in his lap. I didn't hear him or respond. I was too far gone and then all I could think was "dammit I really hope this isn't the end."

A/N: Hi y'all! I am so sorry. This update is well overdue and I hope it's good. Things have been so crazy and adjusting to college has been crazier especially having to return home. I hope you enjoy and that you all are doing well. Have you begun school? Leave me a comment! Much love!


Alive and Breathing (Adopted By Alex Gaskarth)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin