03 | just lust

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-b l a k e-

"See you later then?"Josh asks as I place one strap of my backpack around my shoulder. "Yeah, I'll see you at practise in a couple of hours." I say closing the door to our house behind me.

OK, so plan for today. Pay attention in Jenson's class, finish assignment fast, find Brynn. Simple.

As I step into the Bio room, I see the crowds already formed. Class hasn't started yet, and Jenson isn't here, so everyone is just bunched up, talking.

In order to actually pay attention, I need to not sit with the distractions and need to find a seat somewhat close to the front.

I spot one empty seat with no crowd around it and smile. Only to realize that empty seat is beside— no other than Brynn.

Fuck, I was hoping for no distractions, but any chance I could get with Kelsey will make what I am feeling towards her fade away— right?

I let out a determined breath and walk to the seat. When I sit down, she detaches her eyes from her book and meets mine. "Hey," I say smiling.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" She asks folding the corner piece of her book and placing it in her bag. "I'm in this class," I state matter-of-factly.

"Really? Oh my bad," she says with a small smile. You know how it feels when the girl you can't stop thinking about doesn't know you have been in the same class for months? Fucking shit.

It feels horrible.

But the smile equipped with her words made it easier to feel okay with it. Her smile just made it easier to stay calm.

Fuck, what am I thinking here? It's just lust, just lust. I keep reminding myself.

Shortly, the class starts and Jenson starts talking my ear off. If it wasn't for the fact that this class is important, I would be spending my whole time bugging Brynn, to get some sort of attention from her, but her eyes were also set on the board and whatever bullshit Jenson wrote on it.

When I peeked over to look at her, I saw her focused face. Her eyes were wide, scanning everything, but also looked tired as hell. And for some reason which stays unknown to me, I hated it.

I hated seeing her like that, why? Why was I thinking about her like this?!

It drove me insane.

Class soon ended and as everyone left, Jenson called me over- fuck.

"Mr. Gray, this last project you handed in was not what I wanted, I didn't like the work I get from you, and I just wanted to give you a fair warning. You will fail if you don't pick up your slack." He says and I nod.

There is no way in hell I'm taking this as a joke. If I fail this, my average drops and I can't play, and I can't fucking have that.

It was obvious what I needed— a tutor.

After practise, we all head our separate ways to get different foods, and meet back home.

As we eat, everyone converses as the TV is playing, but I'm still in thought about my issue about the tutor, or lack thereof.

"Blake, man. What's up?" Quinton asks waving a hand in front of my face. "Nothing much, I just need a tutor really bad for Bio." I say taking another bite of my pizza.

"Can't you join a study group?" Noah asks.

"I'm in one, but it makes absolutely no sense, I don't get that shit," I huff in annoyance.

"How 'bout you find someone in the class that is like really good," Josh peers in the conversation with his opinion.

"I just don't know who the hell in Jenson's class is acing. Like fuck that class is hard, I don't think anyone might be that good,"

"You never know man," and with that the conversation has ended.

Although new things are being said, my mind is still running over the thought, someone really smart to help me?

Well there is Kelsey, but the way her tired eyes stared at the board, I felt as though she already had too much on her plate.

But there's no harm in asking right?

"Hey, so I was thinking about this weekends game, and I think it's going to be really tough, I feel like we should ask coach to call it in the assistant coach or something," Kio says, concerned.

"Yeah that sounds fine," Jaden replies and we all head in our separate rooms.

Instead, I don't sleep, and go on my laptop to find tutors for Bio around campus, and let me tell you, they are all taken.

I'm in some deep shit.

The next day, after arriving extra early to Jenson's I had my last option, and that was to see if Kelsey could tutor me.

But first I had to somehow see if she was even smart, without offending her.

"Hey Blake," she smiles as I sit down beside her.

"Sup Kelsey," I try to remain casual but something about talking to her makes my insides all wobbly, and I want this stupid feeling to go away.

"It's Brynn you know, that's my last name." She says serious, as though I'd actually forget her first name.

"No I know. I just like calling you something else. Although Brynn is an absolute gorgeous name, Kelsey is too, and for you, I bet it's not used that much, hence why I'll be using it."

"Oh, alright. Up to you," she says then turns her head to face Jenson when he walks in.

After the longest lecture given by him, he decides to hand a test we took a while back and I take this as my opportunity to see if Kelsey can be my tutor.

I got a 67% and I already know if I don't get some help, no more football for me. If by next test, I still have that, I'm off for the games, and I can't let that happen.

I tried to peek over her shoulder but it was really hard when she was showing her friend— the one that picked her up the other day.

They seemed to be laughing and I tensed immediately. The sound of her laughter really fucking stuck in my head, and I absolutely loved it. I needed to hear more of it.

She stopped talking with her friend and placed her test on the desk in front of her to grab something from her backpack— a book I assume.

In the short while I've known Brynn, I've seen she likes books a lot. Knowing every day, she has a new book.

As she does so, I peak over to see her mark. Please let it be at least higher than a 75%, I prayed.

And my face definitely displayed the shock when I read Jenson's perfect hand writing.


Holy shit. I think I just found my way to continue playing football.


Hope you guys liked this chapter, let me know by commenting! :)

Question of the day: favourite song at the moment?

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