After this Baicao immediately went to ting hao, when she reached his office. The office members told that He has not come to office. So she called Shen bo.

Baicao- Where is ting hao?
Shen bo- He has gone for shopping with his and Meng xun's family
Baicao(possessively)- Again Meng xun, I think he is also enjoying being with her. But not for long time I am coming.

At Mall

Meng xun was continuously holding his hand and Ting hao was removing her hand. So she hold his hand tightly and went close to him and whispered in his years.

Meng xun- I also have reputation, don't behave like I am forcing you, you are my fiancee, my friends have also came so atleast behave like you are caring towards me.
Ting hao(also went close to her and whispered)- I already told you cancel this wedding but you didn't, now I don't care about your reputation.

Baicao saw Meng xun holding ting hao's hand and standing close to him. She immediately came in between and separated their hands and she hold ting hao's hand.

Meng xun- How dare you?
Baicao(angrily)- How dare you? You are telling me this I think I should tell you the same
Meng xun- He is my fiancee and we're going to get married in a few days. So I think we can hold each other hands.
Baicao- Who told you that in a few days you both will get married? I will never let this happen

Ting hao wasn't understanding anything what's happening and even surprised to see Baicao super angry as she always used to be calm and never acted so angrily. But he was loving to see her after a long time.

Suddenly then Meng xun grabbed Ting hao's hand.

Meng xun- Let's go

Baicao removed her hand and pushed her away from him.

Baicao(possessively)- He is mine, don't dare to touch him, got it.

After that Baicao hugged ting hao tightly while ting hao was still in a confusion.
Then everyone came over there.

Ting yi- Baicao, you are here. What's happening over here?
Meng xun- This girl has gone mad.
Baicao- Just shut up, ting yi listen to me I know who kidnapped Ting hao and everything that happened.
Ting hao- Who did it tell me everything.

And Baicao explained everything to everyone but at the end what she said left everyone doubting on her.She said that Grandpa did all this things.

Ting yi- You know what you are telling?
Baicao- Yes I know, I am telling the truth only, ting hao please believe me
Ting hao(didn't know what to say whom to trust and whom not)
Baicao- Believe me please .
Grandpa- What type of girl you are? You again came back after destroying my son's life.And of course he will believe you only
Ting hao- No grandpa I believe you
Baicao- I have a proof also wait I am calling Ruo Bai.

After hearing the name of Ruo Bai Ting hao remembered everything what happened before.
When Baicao called Ruo Bai to send that Kidnapper so that she can proof her innocence. Ruo Bai informed that the kidnapper ran away and he is trying his best to find her.

Baicao- I am sorry I don't have proof now, but I promise that I had one. Believe me Ting hao(holds his hand)
Ting hao(removes her hand)- I will never believe you, do you think even after what happened you want me to trust you. When you left, my family members took care of me. And you want me to doubt my grandfather.

And he leaves, Baicao goes behind him but Meng xun stops her.
Meng xun- You should not go over there, Ting hao's ex wife
Baicao(angrily)- You....

And they all went away leaving Baicao alone. Suddenly there Ruo Bai came and took her with him.
Ting hao saw this and didn't liked it.

At night.
Both Ting hao and Baicao were sitting near window of their house.

Baicao(in mind)- Trust me, I was telling the truth. I can't see you with anyone else. I was so aggressive today I should have managed the situation a little politely. Ting hao, I want you back. After so much of difficulties we were together. Oh god! Why you did this to us?

On the other hand Ting hao

Ting hao(in mind)- I want to trust you but I don't want to doubt grandpa. It can't be possible grandpa can not do anything so bad. Baicao, today when I saw you fighting for me with Meng xun I just forgot everything that happened before. I don't know what I will do. I don't want to marry meng xun I want you.

Both of them kept thinking about each other for the whole night even in their dreams.

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