chapter 23

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Pepsi Cola is our dog, we adopted him 3 years ago after our wedding...its been 5 years since we first started dating...all of that was a dream...while a flashback to be fair.

I got dressed and walked over to steve who was on the couch watching tv...we got our own apartment after 1 1/2 years dating. We never adopted any kids, we weren't really planning to either.

We both rather be the really fun uncles instead. Darry had gotten a wife, and 2 kids they stayed at home in the house me and ponyboy grew up in.

Ponyboy has a girlfriend shes really nice and makes Pony so happy, I havent even seen him frown since they started dating. Johnny and Dallas lived in there own house about 8 mins drive from the rest of ours.

Johnny and Dallas are dating, but they havent gotten married...and I dont think they will, not that they dont love each other that way it's because they had a bunch of deep emotional things they went by, and I guess marriage ain't one of them... Twobit lived in the apartment under ours, he spent a good 5 days a week at our place only because he didnt wanna clean up his...

Two-bit had a girlfriend, but she had to move to boston to finish up her master's degree. She was very smart, and oddly was perfect for Two.

He waited every day for her too come home with him, and he wrote to her every single day...I was happy for my gang... me and Steve still had a perfect connection, but it saddend me because I'm leaving next week to go to war in Vietnam.

Steve didnt want me to go, but one of us had too I havent even convinced him yet...but I knew I did the right thing, he stayed home with Pepsi Cola and took care of the Dx for me.

I'm going to miss him alot but we promised to write to each other every single day. I'm only going for 2 months it's not too bad compared too some people. I just cant wait to be home in his arms again.

(A/N) If you didnt see what I did there, then that's probably a good thing...on the other hand if you DID pick up what I layed down, your probably pretty sad rn... I'm sorry, but like nothing gold can stay...

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