"don't patronize me based on my fashion choices."

"hush it. i'm trying to focus. where are you going anyway?" katara looked at him, pausing her search.

"tea. we're going for tea."

"i don't care what you're doing. i said: where are you going?" katara raised a brow, giving him some judgmental look that he didn't understand the reason for.

"i don't know what location! he- she just asked me to tea! i don't even know if that's an actual date, katara. just help me. i don't know what to pick, youre the fashion expert here!"

"ohhh i get it now." katara turned her attention back to his closet, swiping the hangers and getting a look at the options.

"there's nothing to get."

"yes there is, you do think i'm a fashion expert! see??i always had some underlying suspicion. do you think i'm actually good though? like what if i did fashion as a career, sokka. would i be good at that? i think i would be, not to flatter myself or anything." katara was rambling at this point, and as rude as it may have sounded, sokka didn't care. he already knew she'd pick some career in fashion, or something like it. something involving it. he'd heard this specific ramble at least 10 times.

sokka was snapped out of his daydreaming when a shirt was thrown at him,

"put that on." katara ordered, now switching her attention over to his small collection of jeans and sweatpants.

"nononono no. why is it so.. formal? i don't need to dress up!"

"listen to me, and put it on, or i will never offer you my help again." katara shot a glare at him, and with that he just listened. he swapped it for the pajama shirt.

now, he wasn't going to lie. he absolutely adored this shirt- but was he going to give katara that satisfaction? no. absolutely not.

a pair of jeans was thrown at him. "okay, sokka listen very carefully when i say this. those jeans need to be cuffed."

"what? why would i do that? you don't think the shirt is flashy enough?"

"the shirt isn't flashy. it's simple, that wave. plus it makes a statement. it makes your eyes pop and if you do your hair in that dumb ponytail you'll look even better. put these pants on, cuff them, and then just. i don't know, find shoes? just put on shoes. it doesn't matter. not black though." katara said quickly, stepping out of the room.

sokka raised his brows and put the pants on. did he cuff them? no. he did not.

"i'm coming back in, sokka." katara said through the door before opening it and coming back inside.

"cuff them now." katara glared at him.

"no! why? what difference does it make?"

"cuff them, now. and tell me the name of this girl you're going out with, i won't get all in your business, sokka. i swear please just tell me wh-"

"hello. zuko here."

'you have got to be fucking kidding me. i cant just have two seconds-? why- you couldn't have chosen to come in 5 minutes later?'

kataras sentence was cut off by none other than zuko, peeking into the room.

mid cuff, sokka glanced over at katara, who was eyeing him suspiciously.

"it's awfully quiet in here." zuko finally stepped all the way into the room, looking over at katara. "oh. hi, katara." he said simply.

"i-..." katara glanced at zuko, and then back at sokka, and then back at zuko.

"hi zuko." sokka finished cuffing his jeans and stood up straighter, looking over at katara and then back at zuko.

katara had noticed the wardrobe. what zuko was wearing. it was falling along the same lines of genre, and at the same time sokka was stressing out over this date. she put the pieces together herself.

"oh.." katara whispered softly, slipping past zuko and out the door.

"what's her deal?" zuko furrowed his brows, keeping his eyes on the door before finally redirecting his attention to sokka.

"nothing, i just have to put my shoes on and then we can um.. head out." sokka flashes him a smile, which only lasted for a few seconds.

he grabbed a pair of socks, slid them on, before putting on his shoes. he managed to grab a hair tie, putting it on his wrist before zuko forced him out of the door antsily.


hi there. idk how good this chapter is going to be. i know maybe you guys r like. ready for some actual zukka content, and trust me i am too. but this is slow burn. it's literally killing me inside to have them act like this!!

but zukka content is coming soon i promise let me get them through this awkward questioning phase lol

ALSO. fashion obsessed katara > anything else


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