"Really it's cool I'll be back in a little bit you can take my stuff with you though" I interrupt him once again and start running towards the direction of the store.

Bakugou looks after me but ultimately let's me go alone. Thank God.

I slow down my pace to a walk and run my fingers through my hair.

The wind feels cold on the back of my neck and I take a deep breathe. Why is she here? How did she find me? Ugh well of course that's our house but- UGH I FEEL STUPID.

I punch a street light next to me and it falls over.

"Oh that was a bit harder than expected" I sigh and put my hands in my pockets.

My left hand hits something at the bottom of my pocket and I pick it out.

My mother's coin.

Oh of course it fucking shows up now!

I fall onto my knees and place the coin on the floor infront of me.

Just staring at it makes me angry.

I feel my quirks starting to act up and I throw fire at the coin, creating a mini bomb fire infront of me on the street.

I punch the floor where the coin is hoping to break it with strength but I have no luck.

"WHY WONT YOU LEAVE ME ALONE" I punch the floor again and again. Ignoring the searing pain coming from my fist before I feel someone pull me away from it and into their chest.

I look down and see the purple burn scars and medical staples against the skin.

"Dabi..." I begin to sob and turn around crying into my childhood friends chest.

I feel so weak. It was one look at her. Why am I so fucking weak.

He strokes the back of my hair and places his chin on my head.

"Please stop hurting yourself" he whispers to me and I let out a deep breathe, the fire behind me goes out and he shows me a small smile.

"Don't worry she's not here. It's just me and you" he pulls me in closer and I close my eyes.

"Your hands" he says and the pain suddenly becomes very apparent.

"Not important" I mumble and feel myself being lifted off the floor.

"Sleep" he says and before I can argue against his point his pulls my head into his chest as he carries me.

bakugou PoV:
She's been gone for too long.

"Hey sweetie where's y/n?" My mom comes in and asks me.

"She went to the store" I reply.

"Why didn't you go with her? What if she gets hurt?" She keeps the questions coming.

"She said she needs "lady things" and didn't want me to go" I see my mother frown at my answer and I give her a confused look.

"Honey she just bought some with me yesterday and she's not even due on yet" she informs me.

"Oh fuck" I quickly jump out of my seat and towards the front door but before I make it there I hear a knock.

I sigh and swing the door open.

"Idiot where have- what the hell!! Are you going here??!" I shout when I see Dabi standing at my door.

I start making small explosions in my hands and he pulls back the jacket over his arms revealing the sleeping y/n.

"Dumbass? Why?" I notice the scars on her hands, the burns and the blood dripping from them.

"DID YOU DO THIS TO HER!" I yell and he just passes her over to me.

"What are you-" he places her bridal style in my arms and pushes her head against my chest.

What an idiot. Leaving to fight a villain in the middle of the night?? Is she crazy!

"She did that to herself. You're welcome for bringing her back or it might have been worse than what it is. Do you really think I'd hurt my best friend given the choice?" Dabi scoffs and I look down at the girl in my arms.

She did this to herself??? Why?! How stupid can she be.

"Why?" I look up at the villain and he crosses his arms.

"Her mother. She drove past here before and shook her a little. I could tell. As she- we drove past I saw that look in her eyes. I've seen it before and it's never good. I left to check she didn't do anything stupid and like an idiot you let her leave on her own so I went after her. I found her Trying to destroy her mothers coin by setting it on fire and punching it but it wasn't working so she kept getting more hurt." He explains to me and I can't help but feel a tinge of guilt in my heart.

I should have gone with her.

"I don't have time to stick around just make sure she's okay and bandage her hands up- oh but don't use those round brown ones she's allergic and don't give her any pain meds that are coloured it makes her sick- sorry that's all" the villain finishes and turns away. Disappearing into a portal before I can say anything else.

They really are best friends huh?

The girl in my arms squirms and I kick the door close. Taking her into the house.

"Let's go idiot"

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