Chapter 16

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Y/n PoV:
The field trip was....tiring to say the least. We were taken to a cliff and we had sparing matches with one another. We didn't get around everyone but we all had around 3 matches each and I am beat.

We're on the bus on the way back to school now and it's around 6pm.

I'm sat next to bakugou in the middle row of the bus and he got the window seat which I don't really feel like is fair.

I'm leaning against my hand and counting the screws on my hero costume case.

I feel my eyes getting heavier and my head drops as my eyes close.

I feel a hand on my forehead stopping my neck from completely falling and it pushes my head back upwards.

I'm too tired to find out who it is or do anything to stop it so I just stay limp and keep my eyes closed.

They move my head again and rest it against something and I don't know what it is but it's comfy so I move my head further into it and lean against the material.

"Pillow..." I whisper to myself as I fall asleep.


"We're back everyone get off and have a safe journey home" I distantly hear Aizawa say and I slowly open my eyes.

I groan and move my head.

Huh wait what.

I look up and see that my head is resting in the crook of bakugou's neck and he is asleep against the window.

I quickly sit up and punch him in the arm.

"Ugh WHAT" he shouts at me.

I rub my eyes and yawn.

"We're back let's go" I stretch and he ruffles his hair and grabs his and my bags before standing up.

We both walk off the bus and he hands me my bag and places his jacket over my shoulders.

I thank him and we begin to walk home, the sun just about setting behind the UA building.

"How long until they notice?" Mina asks Kirishima as they both watch us walk away from the school.

"Honestly I think it will take them a while" he shrugs and they both chuckle before starting to head their own way home.

"We're home old hag" Bakugou says as we walk into his House.

She walks around the corner about to say something but stops when she looks at us.

Bakugou grabs my bag and places mine and his on the pegs, I hand him his jacket and he thanks me before also placing that on the stand. I yawn and he rubs my back lightly.

We both take our shoes off and place them side by side by the door.

She stands with a shocked expression.

"Erm are you two feeling okay?" She asks us and we both nod.

"I'm a little tired I think I'm going to head to bed" Bakugou says and heads upstairs.

"Do you mind if I take a small rest too?" I ask she nods.

"Yes of course" I thanks her and follow Bakugou up the stairs, both of us walking into our separate rooms and closing the doors.

"What just happened?" Mitsuki asks herself.

She stands at the bottom of the stairs for a couple of minutes before she hears 2 equally loud screams.

"WAIT WHAT!!" We both scream at the same time and she giggles.

"Oh they noticed" she makes her way to the kitchen and we both run out of our rooms into the hallway and point at each other.

"YOU- ME. WHY?-" we both shout at each other but then I stop.

"Huh we we're just tired it's not even that big of a deal just fuck off and go to bed" I shrug it off and he stops too.

"mm. Sure" we walk back into our rooms and immediately fall onto our beds and into slumber.

What was I thinking.....

When I wake up it's pitch black outside but someone had put my lamp on in the corner of the room which I was thankful for.

I stand up and realise I'm still in my uniform. I walk downstairs and grab my keys for my house.

"Y/n are you okay dear" bakugou's dad asks me.

"Yeah I'm okay I just need to grab some clothes from my place to change into I'll be back in a second" I say and mitsuki overhears.

"Take katsuki with you he'll help you carry them" she smiles.

Bakugou appears out of the kitchen holding a bowl that he's whisking something in.

"LIKE HELL I WILL" he shouts.

"DONT ARGUE WITH YOUR MOTHER NOW GO" she grabs the bowl off him and pushes him towards the front door.

I laugh and we both walk out of the house.

we cross the road and I open my front door, switching the lights on.

"You're not going to take your shoes off?" Bakugou asks when I walk straight in.

"Oh my dad never followed that rule so I just wear them in here, don't worry about taking them off" I say and walk I'm into the living room.

He shrugs and follows me.

I turn the lights on across my house as I go, dusting off some dirt that's collected on the furniture.

"It's been a while since I've actually stayed here huh? I should probably start 'living' here again" I chuckle to myself and pick up one of the picture frames.

A picture of me and my dad sits behind the glass and I smile at the sight.

"Hey dad sorry I've been gone a while it's nice to see you again" I say and place him back down.

Bakugou stands behind me just looking around the rooms, scanning the walls and looking at the decor.

I turn to face him and then clap my hand together.

"I need to grab some clothes do you mind carrying them for me?" I ask.

"You have telekinesis for that dont you?" He folds his arms.

"Oh come onnnn I'm weak, vulnerable" I dramatically place my hand over my forehead and he rolls his eyes.

I look at him and see that he's not buying my act so I sigh and stand back up straight.

"I'll do your homework"


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