Chapter 7

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Y/n PoV:
"I can't just explain, Bakubitch doesn't know the whole story" I tell him.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING BITCH" Bakugou shouts and I roll my eyes.

Me and bakugou are now standing in front of his desk.

"Don't you think you should tell him" Aizawa says.

I cross my arms.

"Why would I do that! This isn't something I can just tell people you know! What if he tells people or reacts badly!" I raise my voice.

Aizawa gets up and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n I wouldn't be telling you to do this if I didn't think bakugou could handle it" he says.

"What about if I can handle it" I mumble.

"Come on, you're the strongest person I know" he says.

"Tell me what. Whatever it is I can handle it" Bakugou states.

I sigh and face him.

"Fine if you really think this is a good idea I'll tell him" I give in.

"Sit down firecracker" I say.

"You can't tell me what to do!" He retaliates.


He scoffs and sits at a desk.

"Do not interrupt me until I'm finished ok!" I say.

He nods.

"Ok here we go" I sigh and grab a chair and sit infront of him.

"My mother is blackprison" I state.

I see bakugous eyes widen at that but he stays quiet even though I can tell he wants to scream what.

I mean it's understandable. Me the daughter of the top villain.

"But before I continue, I need to say that I am NOT my mother" I state.

"No matter how much she tried to make me" I say.

He cocks an eyebrow and I continue with the story.

"When I was born my mom and dad where hero's and worked side by side. My mom with her darkness quirk and my dad with his light quirk.

When I was three my moms sister was in an accident and the hero's never helped her so she died. My mom hated the hero's so much for letting my auntie die that she became a villain and tried to get revenge on the hero's.

My dad tried to stop her from getting revenge so she killed him out of cold blood along with the 3000 people Including 7 hero's in the the great "darkness storm"

But Because my dads powers counter hers she became weak so she wanted to train me to become just like her and join her in being a villain.

so when I was four and I got my quirk she was devastated when she found out that I had inherited my dads quirk instead of hers.

She thought she had gotten rid of her only weakness but she has only created a new one. She sent me away to a Laboratory to try and change my quirk so that i got her quirk instead.

I was there for 3 years while they did experiments on me. Eventually I ended up getting my mothers quirk.

But I ended up getting a lot more than that aswell.

Because instead of getting rid of my dads and getting my moms they just kept giving me extra quirks until I got my moms.

So I now have over 100 quirks. I don't know what most of them are yet because I haven't discovered them but when i do I'll be able to use them.

When my mom found out about my extra quirks she decided to try and make me her supper weapon. Since she was too weak to fight herself she was going to make me do it.

But I remember my dad being a hero and I know she killed him so I said no.

She didn't like that answer so she brought someone in to beat me wherever I said no.

When I was 8 I met Dabi who got kicked out of his home by his dad and joined the league since his dad was a hero.

We ended up becoming really close and he became like a brother to me. But when the hero's found out about what my mom was doing they sent a team of hero's to come and shut it down.

Aizawa, president mic, midnight and allmight came to stop her but they couldn't. They decided to just take me away from her as I was her greatest weapon and I asked Dabi to come with me.

But i remember him looking at me and it's a face I'll never forget when I said. "I don't belong out there y/n, but you do, go and be a hero, I look forward to facing you, omnia" which means everything. "Now go. You're my enemy remember"

He smiled at me while tears streamed down his face and he disappeared through a portal.

So I did. I decided that I was going to be a hero, to shove it in my moms face and finally beat my enemy.

I was supposed to be put into foster care but I refused because I wanted to become a hero.

They said I couldn't but Aizawa said that he would sign the papers and be my carer.

He said he wouldn't replace my dad or my mom but he'll be there if I ever need him.

He Bought me a house and showed me how to cook and look after myself until i was old enough to join the hero course.

He became a teacher with present mic but I was denied the entry exam because of my past until all might and Aizawa put in a word for me, so I joined.

My mom has been quiet and hasn't made a move for nearly 7 years.

Today was the first time I saw Dabi since that day when I left and he warned me that my mom is back up to full strength again. And she's coming for me. For everyone. I couldn't attack him because..... he's my best friend and brother.

And we need to prepare because we all might have the fight of our lives very soon" I finish.

I squeeze my eyes shut because I don't want to see bakugous reaction to the story but I feel a strange warm sense around my body.

I open my eyes and I see a bunch of blond hair.

Bakugou has his arms wrapped around my shoulders and he's hugging me.


I hug him back.

We both pull away and he makes a fist.


I smirk and copy his movement.


Bakugou x reader | race to the top Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora