Chapter Four: Right Here, Right Now

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We looked back at the sky. It was now cold and dark. "I'm sorry," I started, "I should've known." "No, I should've. I love you, alpaca. I deeply do with all of my heart and soul. I want to spend every minute with you because we understand and cherish each other more than anyone else I know. We may come from two completely different species, but it doesn't matter," Chris replied. Before I could respond, Luke ambled up the hill. "They're up here," he shouted. Chris jolted in front of me. "Chris, what's going on?" I questioned. "It's okay, I'll protect you," he said. " Luke, what are you doing?" "It's for your own good," Luke said. Just then, two big men came up the hill, followed by my trainer. "What is this?" Chris asked. The two men came and grabbed hold of Chris. "NO, STOP!" Chris screamed. I couldn't let them hurt him. It was my turn to do the protecting. I spit on both of the big men, then ran as fast and as far away as possible. I heard Chris scream: "I love you," one last time. I had tried to repond but knew we were now too far to communicate. I wanted to turn around, to stand up, but I couldn't. Chris would go to jail, I would never be accepted, and there would only be sadness. I was now lying on the ground, completely limp. I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to face the consequences. I knew I would be caught, but at least Chris would be safe. I closed my eyes, absorbing the darkness around me. I had completely given up hope, when I felt a gentle kick on my side. I looked up and to my surprise, there was Chris standing over me. "CHRIS!" I squealed and instantly stole a little kiss. Instead of explaining everything, he just held up a paper. Even though I couldn't read, I understood. Luke wasn't the biggest jerk villian of all time; instead he was the absolute best friend anyone could have. I now belonged to Chris and Chris belonged to me, for the rest of time. 

The end.

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