Chapter Two: The Fault In My Love For Chris

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A wise author once said something like, you fall in love like you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once. That was not the case with me. I fell in love like you play double dutch: you just jump right in. My heart was thumping hard against my furry chest. Half from excitement, half from running three miles. I stopped to catch my breath at a local Dairy Queen. "Give up. Go home. He's not worth it," my thoughts told me. I didn't listen. I glanced around trying to find any sign of him, I could be going the complete opposite way and I wouldn't even know it. Somehow I knew I would find him though, I followed my heart because the mind doesn't always lead you to happiness. I slowly started to pick up the pace, when I was stunned by this laugh. This laugh was smooth and filled with life. I turned around to reveal what I had been searching for. My angel that walked among the Earth. I stared, love in my eyes. He captured my stare, as well as my heart for a second time. "Luke, look." A boy with gorgeous blue eyes and a funny nose looked at me. He laughed: "Is that the same one from the zoo?" "No way, it can't be!" Chris sounded shocked. I walked closer to him and him to me. "Dude, what are you doing?" Luke questioned, but Chris kept walking. I could tell by his facial expressions that he understood me. "I love you," I said in my mind. "I love you too,"  Chris responded telekinetically. He smiled. I tried to smile but ended up accidently spitting on his shoe. He grabbed my face and whispered: "I know you feel this too." Luke chimed in, "Chris, did you say something?" Chris didn't respond, he just kept staring at me. "I'm taking her with me," Chris said aloud after a minute. "Chris! You cannot take a llama from-" "IT'S AN ALPACA!" Chris interuppted defensively. "Okay, geeze... wait how did you know that?! And how did you know it was a girl?!" Chris didn't listen. He grabbed the rope and sat on my back. Luke looked confused. He shook his head, fixed his hair and then glared at me. I now carried the love of my life on my back. I took a few short steps forward. "Chris, don't do this," Luke persuaded. "I'm ready," Chris said. Then we bolted off into the hot summer day.

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